Nils Bohlin
After Bohlin graduated with a degree in mechanical engineering in 1939, he was hired as a safety engineer by Svenska Aeroplan Aktiebolaget (now Saab) in 1942. There, Bohlin invented a rocket-launched ejection seat and a harness to secure evacuating passengers for airplanes. During tests, he gained a vast knowledge of motion and what it took to secure a human body.
After his relative’s sudden death, Engellau was motivated to make vehicles safer and recruited Bohlin to become Volvo’s first chief safety engineer in 1958. Bohlin was tasked with coming up with a better safety harness. From Bohlin’s previous work, he knew what securing a passenger required. But there was a difference between airplane pilots, who would wear anything to keep them safe, automobile drivers. He knew he had to make something that the average driver could easily and comfortably use.
He created a new three-point safety belt. There had been other three-point seat belts, but they were built in a “Y” formation. Bohlin feared these would direct the impact to the passengers’ abdomens. After about a year of experimentation, Bohlin devised a seat belt with three fixed points that ran along the pelvis and sternum, bones that can best withstand the force of a crash. The belt was also easily attached with one hand.

While Volvo started putting his new seat belt in their cars, the trend didn’t catch on right away. People weren’t convinced of the belt’s effectiveness. To allay fears, Bohlin traveled the world to demonstrate how his invention worked by using an egg and a small toy car.
Bohlin received a U.S. patent for his invention in 1962, and Volvo decided to release the new technology to all auto makers as a way to prove their company’s promise “to prioritize societal progress over financial gain alone.”
By 1963, all Volvos came equipped with the three-point seat belts. In 1967, Bohlin presented an analysis of 28,000 vehicle accidents that claimed his seat belts reduced the risk of injury or death in car accidents by as much as 75 percent. By 1968, the safety harnesses were required by Congress on all new American vehicles.