Mom Who Lost 2 Triplets ‘Sees the Miracle of Life’ With Help From NICU Nurses

Mom Who Lost 2 Triplets ‘Sees the Miracle of Life’ With Help From NICU Nurses
Stacey Skrysak, a TV news anchor in Springfield, Illinois, holding two of her three preemie triplets in August 2013. (Facebook | Stacey Skrysak)

It can be highly worrisome for new moms who deliver a child premature and have to watch that tiny, fragile life remain inside the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). One Illinois mother has shared how fortunate and grateful she is of the superb service she received from the nurses after delivering premature triplets, of whom only one survived.

In 2013, Stacey Skrysak, a TV news anchor in Springfield, Illinois, gave birth to triplets prematurely and was saddened by the loss of two babies, who died in less than two months.

In honor of NICU awareness month, Skrysak later shared her story on LoveWhatMatters, and detailed the care she received from the nurses.

Skrysak started off by expressing her thanks to the nurses.

“Dear NICU nurse, thank you for being our miracle worker,” she wrote.

She explained that one nurse helped her see her babies for the very first time by taking photos from inside the NICU.

These photos allowed Skrysak to “see the miracle of life.”

“Thank you to the nurse who first introduced me to my children,” she wrote.

Not only did the nurses introduce her babies to her, they also offered “comfort and kindness” to Skrysak, and let her know that her babies were “in good hands.”

It was devastating for Skrysak and her husband after their first child passed away within hours after birth. When they were told weeks later that their second child had brain damage, Skrysak was thankful to the nurse who “handed me a tissue as you silently gave me a hug.”

“No words could help what we were feeling, but that simple gesture made a difference,” Skrysak recalled.

“To the nurse who was there on one of the worst days of our lives, thank you for providing the comfort I needed.”

The nurses even called in on their off day to check up on Skrysak and her family after the second child tragically passed away.

Having stayed in the hospital for months, Skrysak had witnessed how the nurses went above and beyond in doing their job.

“Thank you for being that shoulder to lean on when we needed to vent, or laugh, or cry,” she wrote.

“You may just be doing your job, but you are touching lives with every family you meet.”

This story shows that apart from having the necessary knowledge for the job, medical staff also need to be empathetic when dealing with life and death.

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