The mother of the baby boy who made headlines in 2015 and then again in 2017 for perfectly imitating the word “hello” when he was just 7 weeks old, before unpredictably regressing into autism, has provided NTD with an exciting update of his progress—he’s now fully conversational.
Cillian McCann, of Belfast, Northern Ireland, who is three and a half years old, was predicted to be an early speaker following that first, exciting utterance of “hello” at an age just shy of 2 months old.

When he regressed into autism at 13 months, however, Cillian appeared to lose interest in what was around him and sank into his own world, a worrisome phenomenon for his mother, Toni McCann.
“When he was 21 months old he was diagnosed with autism and was non verbal,” Toni told NTD. “He had an ATEC score of 107 which is severely autistic.”
“When he was assessed by an educational psychologist in November 2017 he was bottom 1 percent of population and special education was recommended for him.”
That’s when Toni was recommended to try The Nemechek Protocol—a step-by-step guide, which includes a simple diet of supplements, to restore neurological function for sufferers of developmental disorders and autism.
Soon after taking up the recovery program, Toni noticed a significant improvement in her son.
“After few months he started talking and is now fully conversational, highly sociable and is in mainstream school.”
Cillian’s “awakening” happened almost immediately, his mother described, and he’s been on the protocol for one year now.
Now, young Cillian enjoys interacting with his family and friends. He loves dancing and being the protagonist in fun little YouTube shows, which are published on his very own channel, Cillian’s Conquest, which documents the boy’s progress.

The Protocol has yielded positive results for not just Cillian, but other children too.
One “Mom on Facebook,” whose testimony appears on Nemechek’s website, reports her 3-year-old has “had an explosion of speech” since taking up the Protocol in as little as a month.

“You have given me so much hope,” commented Ilhaam Hartle under the video. “THANK YOU!!!!”
In response to one comment asking how long Cillian needs to stay on The Nemechek Protocol, Toni wrote: “The supplements are daily for life. It’s just 3 natural supplements.”
Cillian’s success story is most insightful, for it offers parents of special-needs children another avenue by which to aid their child’s development.
We’re sure pleased to learn that Cillian is showing great progress, and that his conquest is already serving to inspire others.
Thank you Toni for sharing your son’s story!