Do What You’re Passionate About
“We want to not only make a lot of money but enjoy what we do as well. We are willing to take on the risk of unstable pay in exchange for following our dreams,” writes Chalmers Brown from Due.Improve Something that You’re already Doing
“A great place to start is with ideas that improve your life. If you need help brainstorming ideas, start by writing down all of your daily activities for a month,” says Chalmers.Figure out Where to Sell
“For each idea, see if there is an existing company that does something similar. Use this to get a quick sense of how much people are already paying for the service.”Share Your Passion with Others
“When you’re passionate about a hobby, don’t keep it to yourself. Share it as much as possible with others.” That could be anything from a blog post to newsletter.Stay Happy and Motivated by Assigning Tasks that You’re Not a Fan of to Someone Else
“Your passion can quickly become a job that you loathe after the daily tasks of running a business absorbs your initial excitement. Thankfully, there are easy and convenient ways for you to stay happy.”Start by hiring people to do the tasks that you can’t stand.

Be A Self-Motivator
According to Sir Richard Branson, entrepreneurs have to be good self-motivators. Branson advises that entrepreneurs use it to their advantage:“It’s important to understand what your main motivation is, so that you can focus your efforts on reaching those goals. Then structure your job—perhaps by delegating some work—so that you can spend as much time as possible turning this energy to your company’s advantage.”
He says that making money shouldn’t be a main motivator:
“Above all, you should work on building a business you’re proud of. This has always been a motivator for me, from my Student magazine days, through to our latest startups today. I have never gone into any business purely to make money. If money is your only motive, then I believe you shouldn’t launch the business at all.
Find Your Purpose
“The secret of the most successful people I know is that they can stay motivated, activated, inspired, and moving no matter what happens around them,” says Grant Cardone entrepreneur, New York Times best-selling author, and founder of 10X Growth Con 2017.“Motivation is that inner drive to move toward or away from something. To get and stay motivated, you must find your purpose. So many people are going to work doing something they don’t believe in.”
Surround Yourself with People You Admire
Linkedin co-founder Reid Hoffman says, “The fastest way to change yourself is to hang out with people who are already the way you want to be.”In fact, several psychology studies have shown that we’re significantly influenced by our social environment.
As an entrepreneur, you need to be the main source of motivation for yourself and for your team. Honestly, that can be draining. But, you can keep you spirits up by surrounding yourself with people that you admire.

Exercise and Stay Healthy
“Exercise is, of course, great for energy levels. And I believe it makes me more productive no matter what. But energy and focus naturally ebb and flow throughout the day,” says Evan Williams, the founder of Blogger, Twitter, and Medium.Communicate with Customers
“Establish strong, yet effortless communication channels for your customers to provide you feedback (an easy-to-find email, occasional surveys, sending a personal email to a customer, social media, etc.),” suggests Vincent Ko, Co-Founder and Chief Panda of PANDA Sunglasses.Never Feel Sorry for Yourself
“All of my best successes came on the heels of a failure, so I’ve learned to look at each belly flop as the beginning of something good,” said Barbara Corcoran, founder of The Corcoran Group and Shark on Shark Tank.Be Afraid of Failure.
Corcoran’s fellow Shark, Mark Cuban, once said, “I’m always afraid of failing. It’s great motivation to work harder.”“No matter what business you’re in, you’re always at risk—particularly in technology, where it changes so rapidly you’ve got to put in the effort to keep up.”
“There’s always the opportunity for some 18-year-old to come out of nowhere and crush you—that motivates the hell out of me.”

Use Your Unique Strengths to Help Others
Part of being a successful entrepreneur is having enough money to live comfortably and grow your business. But, again, that should never be your chief motivation. Instead of focusing on money, think about how you can use your strengths and knowledge to help others. Expanding from there, it’s good to think of ways to help and inspire other people with your work.“Empower yourself and realize the importance of contributing to the world by living your talent. Work on what you love. You are responsible for the talent that has been entrusted to you,” says Catharina Bruns, co-founder of WorkIsNotaJob.
You can use your skills to help and inspire others by sharing advice, becoming a mentor, or using your skills to contribute to the greater good. For example, if you’re a web designer, then find a non-profit you’re passionate about and offer to build them a website.
If you can’t find a way to contribute to a non-profit, then at least create a company that can change the world.
Show Gratitude
“Most of the time when people ask me about motivation, 80 percent of the time I attribute it to gratitude. If you want real fuel to win, be grateful,” writes Gary Vaynerchuk.Keep Affirmations Close By
“It’s so easy as an entrepreneur to get sucked into feeling exhausted or frustrated, and often the blame is yours alone,” writes Murray Newlands.“But a negative mindset sucks up mental bandwidth and energy that you need to stay focused and successful.
“It is crucial to maintain an optimistic attitude in the face of setbacks. Whenever you see a quote or a picture that helps you stay positive, place it front and center so you can remember what this journey is all about.”

Give Up
“I thought we’d end on an inspirational note,” writes online educator Melyssa Griffin. “But seriously, some days you’re just not going to feel it and pushing yourself to work when you absolutely CAN’T will probably only result in mediocre results and be even more overwhelming.“Play hooky for the day or a few hours. Relax. Take a freakin’ break.”