Mom Catches Exhausted Hubby Cuddling a Robe Instead of Newborn Son

Mom Catches Exhausted Hubby Cuddling a Robe Instead of Newborn Son

Elizabeth and Shayde Motomura made their happy announcement on Facebook, on March 3, that they were expecting their first child—the would-be parents excitedly wanted to share the good news with the whole world!

Well, social media has a way of biting you when you least expect it, though.

Elizabeth gave birth to baby Noah at the Tripler Army Medical center on Sept. 16, 2018.

Hours after the birth, she caught her darling hubby, now the new dad, off guard.

The poor father was cuddling, with all his daddy love, what he thought was his newborn son.

But instead, the little snugly bundle turned out to be a rolled-up robe, which he rocked to and fro in his exhausted state of delirium and ecstasy.

After Elizabeth caught her beloved husband on film rocking the “ghost baby,” she uploaded the hilarious clip to social media.


“SOMEONE PLEASE COME GET THIS MAN … I will laugh at this for the rest of our lives.”

The video has spread like wildfire racking up more than 4.8 million views, 20,000 comments, and over 57,000 shares.

Some social media users could easily relate to this video.

One user wrote: “That is hilarious. Your life will never be boring. You should submit this. I could win. Poor guy is exhausted. When my daughter was born I heard a loud noise and I went in the the living room and my husband had fell asleep rocking her and turned the chair over. They were both still asleep until I went crazy on him. it scared me to death. Woke my daughter up and had her crying and him saying look what you did I had her asleep. Turned it all on me LOL!Congrats and enjoy those crazy moments.”

“Omg this is historical,” enthused another.

An empathetic mother commented: “Aww at least he’s a good dad and partner he’s trying to help newborns are very hard sometimes a lot of sleepless nights I know been there 8 times my self.”

Meanwhile, a fourth user commented, “I am hoping you have a vid of the ”after“ he realizes that the robe is not his baby. ?”

©Facebook | <a href="">Elizabeth Motomura</a>
©Facebook | Elizabeth Motomura

This poor dad ... he will never be allowed to live this one down!

There are sure to be plenty of laughs had at his expense over the years. Let’s hope this doting dad has broad shoulders.

However, it’s all in good fun, as becoming a first-time parent is certainly exhausting. It’s an “emotional roller coaster ride” added to the bargain.

This young couple are sure to make good parents to their adorable son. Happy parenting!

Watch this sweet video below:
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