Mindset Matters: 10 Habits That Keep You in Poverty

Mindset Matters: 10 Habits That Keep You in Poverty
Successful individuals believe that everyone can succeed, make money, and have opportunities. Shutterstock
By Due

When we discuss the “rich vs. poor mindset,” we often refer to the underlying attitudes, behaviors, and habits that shape our approach to life. These ingrained patterns can pave the way for success or hinder our progress, often without conscious awareness.

As David Meltzer points out, the “99 percent” often adopt a scarcity mindset, believing that resources are limited and competition is fierce. This perspective can lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy, as focusing on what we lack can attract more of the same. In contrast, the “1 percent” typically embrace an abundance mindset, viewing the world as a place of opportunities and possibilities.

What is even more concerning? We may be unknowingly cultivating habits that foster a poor mindset, such as these 10 subtle yet harmful habits:

1. Complaining Without Action

When people have a poor mindset, they complain about their circumstances without doing anything to improve them. Rather than seeing problems as challenges to overcome, they see them as roadblocks. Complaining is easy; finding a solution is hard. However, by complaining, you give up your power to change.
Rich Mindset Alternative: The first step is acknowledging the problem, and the second is taking action. Problem-solving is a critical habit for success. People with a rich mind are proactive, seek solutions, and take responsibility for their actions.

2. Waiting for ‘The Perfect Moment’

Waiting for the perfect time to act is a common trait of people with poor mindsets. Due to unfavorable conditions, they delay taking advantage of opportunities. There is rarely a perfect moment. The longer you wait, the more opportunities you lose.
Rich Mindset Alternative: An individual with a growth mindset knows that progress is often messy. Despite the uncertainty, they take action, trusting that they will learn along the way. As a result, they understand that getting started is often more important than getting everything perfect right away.

3. Blaming External Circumstances

In a poor mindset, personal failures are attributed to others or external factors. By avoiding personal responsibility, the blame game keeps you stuck in place, whether it’s the economy, your upbringing, or bad luck. As Robert Anthony put it, “When you blame others, you give up your power to change.” Rich Mindset Alternative: A rich mindset is typically characterized by extreme ownership. Successful individuals look for ways to improve when things go wrong rather than finding scapegoats. As a result, they know accountability breeds growth.

4. Living in Comfort Zones

Remaining in your comfort zone is a surefire way to maintain a poor mindset. It prevents you from taking risks or challenging yourself to grow, resulting in you choosing safety over progress, regardless of the consequences.
Rich Mindset Alternative: The rich mindset, however, embraces discomfort. The most successful people know that growth happens when they step outside their comfort zone. As a result, they take calculated risks, knowing that failure is often a part of the process. Remember, “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” —T. S. Eliot

5. Focusing on Problems, Not Solutions

People with a poor mindset tend to focus on the negative rather than the positive. When they focus on obstacles, they tend to overlook creative solutions or ways forward.
Rich Mindset Alternative: A rich mindset focuses on solutions. When faced with problems, people seek solutions that will move them forward. Rather than focusing on limitations, this habit promotes resilience and innovation. When they encounter obstacles in reaching their financial goals, for example, they create a budget, track their progress, and consult with professionals.

6. Instant Gratification

A poor mindset is fueled by instant gratification. It is the habit of prioritizing short-term pleasure over long-term success. But, in impulsive spending and procrastination, prioritizing quick wins can undermine future growth.
Rich Mindset Alternative: In contrast, wealthy individuals take a long-term view. By delaying gratification, they reap the rewards later in life. They understand the importance of patience and discipline to achieve sustainable success.

7. Comparing Yourself to Others

Another habit that fosters a poor mindset is comparing yourself to others. This can lead to envy, discouragement, and a feeling of inadequacy. Continually comparing yourself to others makes it difficult to recognize and appreciate the progress you’ve made.
Rich Mindset Alternative: An individual with a rich mindset focuses on his or her own journey. In their view, success is an individual endeavor, and comparison steals joy from those who strive for it. Without diminishing their own success, they celebrate others’.

8. Scarcity Thinking

People with a poor mindset think there’s never enough to go around because of scarcity. It is common for them to hoard resources, feel jealous of others’ successes, and operate from a place of fear and lack.
Rich Mindset Alternative: Abundance is the foundation of a rich mindset. Successful individuals believe that everyone can succeed, make money, and have opportunities. They exhibit generosity, collaboration, and sharing of resources.

9. Avoiding Self-Improvement

People with poor mindsets often avoid self-improvement, believing that they already know enough or that what they don’t know limits them. By failing to invest in learning and growth, they remain stagnant.
Rich Mindset Alternative: To cultivate a rich mindset, you must learn and improve continuously. Successful people know that investing in themselves pays the best dividends, whether through reading, skill development, or mentorship.

10. Fear of Failure

It is common for people with a poor mindset to be paralyzed by fear of failure. Due to their fear of failure, they avoid taking risks or exploring new opportunities. As a result, innovation and growth are stifled.
Rich Mindset Alternative: Rich mindsets embrace failure as part of the journey. A person with this mindset understands that failure is a stepping stone to success. In other words, setbacks are viewed as lessons rather than defeats by them.

Final Thoughts

We subtly build poor mindsets through the choices we make and the habits we cultivate. Fortunately, you have the power to change your mindset. Once you become aware of these harmful habits, you can shift toward a mindset that promotes abundance, growth, and resilience. When small changes are made in behavior, big changes are achieved.
By John Rampton
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