Meet This Adorable Bulldog Puppy That Is Born With Mickey Mouse Ears on Its Back (Photos)

Meet This Adorable Bulldog Puppy That Is Born With Mickey Mouse Ears on Its Back (Photos)
(Courtesy of Donald Hawecker)
Daksha Devnani

There are some dogs across the world that have the most unique markings or patterns one could ever imagine. This adorable pooch is one such extraordinary dog that has become famous for having an image of Mickey Mouse’s ears on its back.

(Courtesy of <a href="">Donald Hawecker</a>)
(Courtesy of Donald Hawecker)

Minnie Mouse, a bulldog puppy from Riverdale, California, who has the most fitting name could actually be every Disney fan’s dream pet.

Minnie Mouse got her taste of fame after her dog dad, Donald Hawecker, spotted the distinctive Hidden Mickey on her back and posted some snaps online.

“I went to a Mickey Mouse fan club and I put the picture of her on there and put her in different positions around the room and I asked can you help me find my Minnie Mouse? I seem to have lost her,” Hawecker told ABC7. “And just make it so the kids can play with it and stuff like that.”
(Courtesy of <a href="">Donald Hawecker</a>)
(Courtesy of Donald Hawecker)

After putting her all around the room and clicking pictures of Minnie showing off the unique mark, Hawecker put it all together and said, “I think I got a mouse problem.”

As the adorable pictures went up online, Hawecker says he has been offered a huge sum of money for Minnie, but he has instead given the sweet puppy to his mom.

See more photos of Minnie Mouse’s special mark:

(Courtesy of <a href="">Donald Hawecker</a>)
(Courtesy of Donald Hawecker)
(Courtesy of <a href="">Donald Hawecker</a>)
(Courtesy of Donald Hawecker)
(Courtesy of <a href="">Donald Hawecker</a>)
(Courtesy of Donald Hawecker)
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