Man Released From Prison Meets His Dad for the First Time in 37 Years

Epoch Video

“You look just like me!”

These are the emotional words uttered by a father as he sees his son for the first time in 37 years. A video has surfaced online showing the touching moment the father and son meet and embrace for the first time in more than three decades. The son can be seen clearly overwhelmed with emotion after such a long absence and he puts his hands on his knees and hunches over as the encounter he has waited decades for, brings him to tears. Sobbing loudly and tears streaming down his face he finally rises and walks over to his emotional father before hugging him fiercely.

“It’s alright,” the father says as his son sobs into his shoulder. The two hug tightly, with the father dropping his cane so he can fully embrace his son. “I’m so glad to see you,” he says. “You look just like me.”

The man continues to sob throughout the encounter, as his father tries to soothe him by telling him over and over, “It’s alright.” The embrace lingers as both men cling to each other desperate to savior every second of the moment before the emotional meeting becomes more touching as the son’s daughter joins the hug, and in doing so meets her grandpa for the first time.

Finally, the embrace ends and the son picks up his daughter, tears still visible on his cheeks, and proclaims loudly, “Three generations.” The video ends with the son pointing to his father before turning to his daughter and saying, “That’s your grandpa. That’s your daddy’s daddy.”

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