Making the Most of Your Morning Routine

Start your day off right by keeping your commitments to yourself and nourishing your body and soul.
Making the Most of Your Morning Routine
Morning meditation can benefit you throughout the entire day. (Compassionate Eye Foundation/Getty Images)
Barbara Danza

The way you begin each morning sets the tone for the entire day ahead. For many people, the early morning hours offer the optimal part of the day to focus on life’s highest priorities.

Here are five ways to make the most of your morning routine.

Refuse to Snooze

If you’re someone who sets an alarm the night before with the very best of intentions but then winds up hitting the snooze button over and over when the alarm sounds, it’s time to make some changes. Hitting the snooze begins your day with failing to fulfill a commitment you made to yourself.

Take up the policy of never hitting the snooze. To help you, place your alarm clock far across the room from where you sleep so that you’ll have to walk over to it to shut it off. You may consider setting a bottle of water next to the alarm clock that you can begin drinking immediately upon waking. Additionally, start going to bed earlier at night to make sure you’re getting enough sleep.

Enjoy a new routine of starting each day off with a win.

Move Your Body

Exercise is a great way to wake up your mind and body and prepare for the day ahead. Lifting weights, cycling, or a brisk walk outside—even if just for a few minutes each morning—will allow you to enjoy greater mental clarity, more energy, and improved overall fitness. What’s more, beginning your day with movement illustrates the priority you’re giving to your overall well-being and gives you the satisfaction of knowing that you checked that box all day.

Nourish Your Soul

The early morning hours are also conducive to contemplation and spiritual practice. If you prefer to meditate, pray, or study teachings related to your beliefs, spiritual nourishment in the morning will benefit you throughout the entire day ahead.

Plan Your Day

With mind, body, and spirit prepared, take the time to plan your day. Review your goals and your to-do list, and select the three most important tasks that must be completed today. Estimate how long each will take to complete, and designate a time of the day when you’ll tackle each. Although you never know what the day will bring, taking a few minutes to lay out a plan gives you a roadmap to follow and increases the chances that you’ll accomplish what you aim for.

Take Time for Gratitude

Finally, before you move on from your morning routine, take time to ponder and list the things you’re most grateful for. Life will always present its share of challenges and pressures. Regardless, however, there is always something to be grateful for. Challenge yourself to name at least five different things each day that you feel grateful for. Sit with those things for a moment and really give thanks for those blessings. Beginning your day with an abundance of gratitude will prepare you to handle whatever may come your way and allow you to more fully enjoy and appreciate this amazing life you’ve been given.
Barbara Danza is a contributing editor covering family and lifestyle topics. Her articles focus on homeschooling, family travel, entrepreneurship, and personal development. She contributes children’s book reviews to the weekly booklist and is the editor of “Just For Kids,” the newspaper’s print-only page for children. Her website is
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