Make Your Own Highly Effective Cleaning Products for Pennies to Save Dollars

Make Your Own Highly Effective Cleaning Products for Pennies to Save Dollars
The next time you need cleaning supplies, take a trip to your pantry, not the store. You probably already have the ordinary basic household items required to mix up every type of cleaner you need to keep the place sparkling clean and germ-free. Recipes? You need recipes? Well, this must be your lucky day, because I’ve got recipes!

All-Purpose Liquid Cleaner

Mix 1/2 cup white vinegar, 1 cup plain household ammonia, and 1/4 cup baking soda with 1 gallon warm water. Dispense in a spray bottle and use as you would a commercial brand such as Formula 409.

Glass Cleaner

In a spray bottle, mix together 2 cups isopropyl rubbing alcohol, 2 teaspoons liquid dishwashing detergent, and 2 cups water. Use as you would any commercial glass cleaner.

Ceramic, Vinyl Floor Cleaner

Mix together 1 cup white vinegar and 1 gallon hot water. Mop ceramic tile and all types of vinyl floors with this solution. No need to rinse. Caution: Never use vinegar on hardwood, granite, or natural stone products. Over time, it will eat away the sealer and finish.

Wood, Laminate Floor Cleaner

Mix together 1 part clear alcohol (isopropyl rubbing, denatured alcohol, gin, plain vodka), 4 parts distilled water, and a few drops of dishwashing liquid such as blue Dawn. Pour all ingredients into a small bucket or container. Mix thoroughly and pour the mixture into your spray bottle of choice using a funnel. Use a well-wrung microfiber mop or sponge mop (make sure it is just barely damp) to clean the floor, working in small areas. Spray, scrub, wipe dry. No need to rinse. The secret to maintaining beautiful wood and laminate flooring: Don’t allow any liquid to remain on wood or laminate flooring for any extended length of time.

Heavy-Duty Floor Cleaner

Mix together 3/4 cup plain household ammonia and 1 gallon warm water. Use on heavily soiled non-wood floors. No need to rinse.

Tub and Shower Cleaner

Pour 1/2 cup Dawn dishwashing liquid in a spray bottle. Fill the rest of the bottle with plain white vinegar. Spray on tub and enclosures and scrub. Or for super challenging situations, allow it to sit for a few hours, then scrub as required. Rinse well. Cleans better than any commercial product even for the most difficult tub, shower, and enclosure challenges.

Furniture Polish

Combine 2 parts olive (or vegetable) oil and 1 part lemon juice (or white vinegar) in a glass jar. Seal tightly. Shake well before using sparingly, applying a thin coat with a soft cloth and buffing well.

Glass Carafe Cleaner

Pour 1 cup crushed ice (put ice cubes in a plastic bag first and whack them on the floor or other hard surface) into that glass coffee pot and add 2 tablespoons table salt. Hold the carafe by the handle and swirl it around vigorously until you see all the burnt-on coffee and various stains come off. Empty and rinse thoroughly. This method turns even the grungiest pot to sparkling clean. It provides a bit of exercise, too.

Jewelry Cleaner

Make a 50/50 mixture of household ammonia and water. Soak jewelry, then brush and rinse completely. Caution: Do not use this on jewelry that contains opals, pearls, or any other soft stone.


While none of these formulas include liquid chlorine bleach, if you come up with some of your own formulas, make sure to never mix chlorine bleach with any other product. You could create deadly chlorine gas. Always label the products you create, and keep them tightly covered and out of the reach of children and pets.

And one more thing. Don’t forget to keep track of all the money you’re not spending on pricey commercial cleaning products. It’s going to be a lot.

Mary Hunt
Mary Hunt
Mary invites you to visit her at, where this column is archived complete with links and resources for all recommended products and services. Mary invites questions and comments at, “Ask Mary.” This column will answer questions of general interest, but letters cannot be answered individually. Mary Hunt is the founder of, a frugal living blog, and the author of the book “Debt-Proof Living.” COPYRIGHT 2022 CREATORS.COM
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