Mailbag Hodgepodge

Here are answers to some Social Security questions you might have as well.
Mailbag Hodgepodge
Understanding how social security works is important. (Lane V. Erickson/Shutterstock)
Tom Margenau

I usually like to have a theme to my columns. For example, I might write a column that centers on widow’s benefits. Or another column might explain the Social Security disability program. But today, I’m just going to reach into my mailbag (well, actually, I’m opening up my email folder), and I’m just going to answer random questions.

Q: I was planning to start my Social Security benefits when I reach my full retirement age in November 2023. But a friend told me I could collect up to six months in retroactive benefits. I’ve done the math, and even though I would get as slightly smaller monthly rate, the big back pay check I'll get more than makes up for that. So how do I set this up?
A: Sorry, but you won’t be able to set anything up—as far as retroactive benefits. Why? Because the law doesn’t allow the payment of retroactive benefits before your full retirement age.

And as long as I’m on the topic of retroactivity, I’m always puzzled by those who choose that option after reaching full retirement age. Here is an example. Let’s say Alice, whose full retirement age is 66, was going to start her Social Security at age 70 in October 2023. But when she filed for benefits, she learned she could take the option of up to 6 months in retroactive benefits. So she jumped at the chance to get that big retroactive check, even though it would mean a slightly smaller ongoing monthly benefit rate. In effect, it would be as if Alice chose April 2023 (six months before October) as her starting month.

Of course, Alice can do whatever she wants. So why am I puzzled? Well, if Alice wanted April to be her starting month, why didn’t she file for benefits in April? Why did she let the government hang on to her money for 6 months, and then file for those benefits in October and get the money back—without interest? Oh well, I guess it’s just the idea of that big retroactive check that is so tempting.

But to repeat the point I made at the start of this answer: No retroactive benefits can be paid before your full retirement age.

Q: I am planning to file for my Social Security in December, when I reach my full retirement age. My 67-year-old wife has been getting her own, and much smaller, Social Security benefit since she was 62. She will be due a little extra money in spousal benefits on my account. In a prior column, you said that a guy has to be getting benefits before his wife can file on his record. So does that mean I have to wait until I have been getting a Social Security check for a month or two before my wife can file for spousal benefits?
A: No, it doesn’t mean that. Your wife can file for spousal benefits at the very same time that you file for your retirement benefits.

In the prior column you mentioned, I think I was answering a guy who asked this question: “My wife is turning 62 and is filing for her Social Security. I plan to wait until I turn 70 in a few years before I file for mine. Can she file for spousal benefits on my record now?” And I told him no. I said she can’t get anything on your record until you are getting benefits yourself. And by saying that, I was just trying to tell him that his wife can’t get anything on his record until he is eligible for benefits himself. I didn’t mean to imply that he had to have an actual Social Security check in his hand before she could file on his account.

Q: I was planning to file for Social Security in March 2024. But I also want to get the benefits of the 2024 cost-of-living increase of 3.2 percent. Do I have to be getting benefits in 2023 in order to get the 2024 COLA increase?
A: No. You‘ll get the 2024 COLA no matter when you file for benefits. If you were getting benefits in 2023, you’d get the COLA increase in January 2024. If you don’t file for benefits until sometime in 2024, the 3.2 percent increase will just be figured into your benefit computation formula.
Q: All of my older friends are getting widow’s benefits. I also am a widow. But I don’t get any of my husband’s Social Security because my own benefit is more than his was. This doesn’t seem fair.
A: Well, the law has always said that when you are potentially due benefits from two different Social Security accounts, you get the one that pays the higher rate. Your career earnings must have been higher than your husband’s because your Social Security benefit was higher than his was.

Perhaps you are advocating that you should get both your own Social Security benefit plus a widow’s benefit on your husband’s account. I’ve heard this proposal made many times over the years. But I’ve always responded with this point. If you should be allowed to get benefits on two accounts, why shouldn’t everyone? For example, should I be allowed to get my own Social Security benefit plus a husband’s benefit on my wife’s record? And then, for that matter, should my wife get her own Social Security benefit plus a wife’s benefit on my record?

Also, we have a friend who is a fairly well-to-do widower who gets a very generous Social Security retirement benefit. Should he be allowed to get that and also receive a widower’s benefit on his deceased wife’s account? My goodness. If Social Security had always paid these double benefits to everyone, the system would have gone belly up many years ago!

One final point to help other readers understand the rules. When I said you get the benefit that pays the higher rate if you are due benefits on two accounts, a better way to phrase that would be to say you get an amount equal to the higher benefit. For example, if one of your friends was due $1,200 on her own account and $2,000 in widow’s benefits, she would be paid her own $1,200 retirement benefit and then she would get $800 in widow’s benefits to take her total benefits up to her husband’s $2,000 rate. She ends up getting one monthly check for $2,000 and probably doesn’t even realize that on the Social Security Administration’s books, it’s coming off of two accounts.

Tom Margenau worked for 32 years in a variety of positions for the Social Security Administration before retiring in 2005. He has served as the director of SSA’s public information office, the chief editor of more than 100 SSA publications, a deputy press officer and spokesman, and a speechwriter for the commissioner of Social Security. For 12 years, he also wrote Social Security columns for local newspapers, and recently published the book “Social Security: Simple and Smart.” If you have a Social Security question, contact him at [email protected]
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