Lou Corona’s Experience at Shen Yun Performing Arts

“It was so wonderful and beautiful and incredible; I can’t even say enough about it. There are not even words to explain how I felt in my experience with it,” Lou Corona said.
Lou Corona’s Experience at Shen Yun Performing Arts
Lou Corona came to experience Shen Yun Performing Arts in Costa Mesa, California. Mandy Huang/The Epoch Times
Epoch Times Staff
<a><img src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/09/IMG_3233.JPG" alt="Lou Corona came to experience Shen Yun Performing Arts in Costa Mesa, California.  (Mandy Huang/The Epoch Times)" title="Lou Corona came to experience Shen Yun Performing Arts in Costa Mesa, California.  (Mandy Huang/The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1804064"/></a>
Lou Corona came to experience Shen Yun Performing Arts in Costa Mesa, California.  (Mandy Huang/The Epoch Times)
COSTA MESA, Calif.—Lou Corona came to experience Shen Yun Performing Arts. The following is his experience. He said, “It was a ‘10’ — do you know what I mean? That’s like ‘the best of the best.’ I’ve never been to anything like it.”

“As a holistic health educator, I teach natural alternatives to healing. As a holistic healer, taking a holistic approach on life, working with people, it’s always a great idea to spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically bring it all together. So, that way a person can experience a complete healing.”

Corona’s sales system works through people who have experienced and applied what he has learned and taught. It is said that Corona has a team of over 300,000 distributors and people that have benefited from his program.

Near Death Experience

Thirty-eight years ago at the age of 21, Lou was suffering from a multitude of illnesses ranging from asthma to a huge tumor. He had a near-death experience, where he was clinically dead for a short period of time. During that time, he was taught basic principles to heal his conditions.

Corona has developed a program and products of nutrition and food products for his “raw diet” approach.

The Shen Yun Performance

Regarding his experience and understanding of the show, Corona said, “Absolutely—it’s very healing. There’re a lot of spiritual qualities to it. It definitely has a certain mindset which I was very impressed by. I was very touched, moved, and inspired by it because the mindset was related to evolving to the point of living a peaceful, harmonious life and causing transformation. The performance was transforming in itself. It was very transformational. I just experienced feeling such peace and harmony, and joy, excitement, and gratitude, and just a total appreciation for just being there.

“Me, I’m so busy. I didn’t even have time today to come, because of my own business and all the things I’m doing to help people. Just to give you an idea, I arrived late because I had over a hundred calls I needed to return. I felt greatly pressured and preoccupied. I decided this [Shen Yun] performance was more important. I arrived and I felt myself in a timeless space, free of the world and my concerns. I could truly experience the performance holistically.”

“It was so wonderful and beautiful and incredible; I can’t even say enough about it. There are not even words to explain how I felt in my experience with it,” he said.

“There was so much history, there was pain and suffering from the history, but these people have so much love and so much compassion and generosity, and they express their power inside of it all, yet they didn’t lose sight of who they were. So, yes, I think it has great potential to cause people to transform into a better life.

“You know, I think more and more people are starting to get tired of the way things have been, and this is bringing back the truth of the way we need to be, and the way we need to live—live in harmony, live in peace, start creating more unity. So, this was a great, powerful way to remind each other on the planet how to be as a person—be a kind, loving, caring person.

“I think it’s one of the most powerful, transformational things I’ve experienced in my life, next to the mentoring I’ve had over the years.

“In fact, the man who actually mentored me 38 years ago when I was dying—and he mentored me and worked with me, and within six months this big tumor dissolved, and all the acne went away, and the chronic asthma went away, and the arthritis that I had went away in six months, and never came back. And his teachings that he shared with me.

“And so, this performance, a lot of it was really related to what I had experienced. That’s why I really love, and appreciate the performance. There’s a lot of heart in it; a lot of passion; a lot of power in it, and that’s how I live my life. It was great. For me, it was an awesome experience. But I do think everyone needs to experience it at least once in their life. For real!

“I went through a near-death experience 38 years ago, and I saw this bright light and a presence, and I was taught and trained and mentored [on] how to heal myself—there were a lot of things that were going on inside that experience [of the show] that I could relate to. Remember [in the show] when the person had died, and all of a sudden the sky was white and these people came and healed him? I had an experience like that. ... It’s real. So it was very real for me.

“Absolutely [I’ll be back], and I’ll bring others with me—for sure. This is my first time, but yes, absolutely, I’ll be coming back again and again. It was a beautiful experience.

“To anybody that watches this performance, I express my love—immense love for each one of you—and enjoy the show. Enjoy the performance. Adopt the teachings that are involved. That’s what I would say to you.”

Reporting by Mandy Huang and Robin Kemker.

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has three touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. For more information, visit ShenYunPerformingArts.org