Over the years, readers like you have sent me incredible tips—creative, practical, and sometimes downright ingenious. These nuggets of wisdom have saved me time, money, and a fair amount of frustration.
While I’ve carefully held onto these gems, somewhere along the way, the names of these clever contributors seem to have wandered off. But their tips live on, and I’m thrilled to share them with you! To keep things organized (and a little fun), I’ve given each tip a quick title—like mini-headlines to grab your attention. So, without further ado, here are your brilliant ideas, brought to life once again:
Color Saver
Tired of your colored clothes fading after only a few washes? Try soaking new clothes in cold water with 2 cups of table salt for about three hours. This helps “set” the colors. Wash colors in cool water on short cycles to keep them vibrant longer.Play the Pantry Game
The goal is to skip your next grocery shopping trip—not postpone it, but skip it altogether. You are going to get really creative and eat up all the canned goods, staple items, and contents of your freezer and pantry. Most of us have quite an investment in items that just sit there month after month. It’s time to use ‘em up. Tell the family it’s a game to see how long you can go with what you have. Stash that week’s grocery money in the stash.Better Than Bleach
Skip the chlorine bleach! Instead, add 1/2 cup powdered dishwasher soap and 1/2 cup Super Washing Soda to your whites. It keeps them bright without the harsh smell or damage of bleach.Stronger Coffee, More Savings
Even if you like mild coffee, buy the strong kind and use less. Reducing your coffee usage by just 25 percent is like getting four pounds for the price of three.The Hourly Cost Checkup
Before making a big purchase, calculate how many hours of work it'll take to pay for it. Then imagine doing your least favorite task for that time. It might just save you hundreds—like it saved one reader $570 on a new TV!Frosting Bucket Hacks
Local bakeries often give away empty frosting buckets for free. Use them to create fun, personalized gift containers or for organizing toys, craft supplies, or household items. They’re versatile and practically unlimited.Fee-Free Banking
Check if your bank waives fees for accounts with direct deposits. Many, such as PNC Bank, eliminate service charges if your deposit meets a specific threshold.Oil Lid Fix
Keep partially used motor oil fresh by capping it with a plastic lid from a small coffee can. These lids fit quart containers perfectly.Sticky Sap Solution
To safely remove pine sap from your car, rub the spot with a cloth soaked in 70 percent rubbing alcohol. It’s cheap, effective, and won’t damage the finish.White Shoe Secret
Flat white spray paint works wonders on white shoes. It’s cheaper and faster than polish, with a crisp finish that lasts.Drip-Free Candles
Stop cheap candles from dripping by soaking them in a strong salt solution for a few hours. Dry them without rinsing, and they'll burn cleanly like the fancy ones.Each of these tips is a testament to the creativity of my readers. If you’ve got a favorite hack, don’t keep it to yourself—send it my way! Who knows, it might just make its way into a future column.
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