Keeping a Gratitude Journal Changes Your Entire Outlook on Life

One of the simplest ways to shift your mindset from dissatisfaction to abundance is by keeping a gratitude journal.
Keeping a Gratitude Journal Changes Your Entire Outlook on Life
Barbara Danza
So many people yearn for a happier life. They think if only they were more fit, obtained more wealth, had better relationships, or had less stress, they could finally be happy.
Interestingly, people from all walks of life can feel this way. Happiness and satisfaction in life seem elusive, even to some who “have it all.” There are those who are in great physical shape, are financially well off, and have healthy relationships, yet they are stressed and anxious about their lives and feel dissatisfied. On the other hand, there are those who have very few material possessions in their lives, but they view their lives as happy and abundant. Of course, the converse of both of those is also true.
What this tells us is that happiness comes not from external pursuits but from within ourselves—and it can be achieved regardless of material possessions or fortunate circumstances. One of the simplest and most powerful ways to begin to shift one’s mindset from dissatisfaction to one of abundance and appreciation is by keeping a gratitude journal.

Keeping a Gratitude Journal

A gratitude journal is simply a notebook or journal where you take time each day to think about and list, in as much detail as you see fit, all that you are grateful for. It becomes a daily practice, perhaps in the morning or perhaps at the end of the day, when you allow yourself just a few minutes to ponder, appreciate, and offer sincere thanks for the many blessings you enjoy in life.
There is always something to be grateful for. When life is going well and you can easily list the many blessings you’re so grateful for, this practice will enhance your appreciation for these beautiful parts of life. Chronicling them in this way creates a treasure trove of blessings you’ll always have to look back on.

Counting Your Blessings in Times of Trouble

Even in times of trouble, of struggle, when facing misfortune or malevolence, when you’re weary, worried, or when you don’t know what to do—you can find things to be grateful for. In fact, it’s in these times, perhaps, that this exercise can be most beneficial. If you’re facing illness, for example, you can be grateful for a warm bed and running water, for medical care and your body’s ability to heal itself, for nutritious foods, for the care of your loved ones, and for time to think and the opportunity to strengthen and grow.
When you find it most difficult to conjure an idea of what you could possibly be grateful for is the time when you should most stick with it until you do. You can look around you—at the beautiful sunlight shining through the window, at the clothes you’re wearing, at the pen in your hand able to write, at the roof over your head, at the beauty of nature, at the comfort of a simple cup of tea, at the air in your lungs, and the body that carries you through this life.
Think of all the experiences you’ve had, the lessons you’ve learned, the people you’ve connected with, the sights you’ve seen, the feelings you’ve felt, the music you’ve heard, the beauty you’ve beheld, the mysteries you’ve witnessed, the insights you’ve gleaned, the inspiration you’ve had, the wins, the losses—all of it. How miraculous. What abundance!

A Mindset Shift

Consistently maintaining a gratitude journal creates a mindset shift that alters your perspective on life toward a more positive direction. As you make this a daily ritual, you’ll find yourself going about your day and noticing many things that you feel grateful for. This sentiment tends to well up your psyche and stay with you.
The benefits of a gratitude practice are many, including improved mental health and decreased depression and anxiety. You’ll likely find yourself more resilient in the face of challenges, having forged a solid foundation and appreciation for the ups and downs of life and what lessons may be wrought.
Approaching life with a mindset of gratitude will enhance your relationships as you show up with a broad-minded and optimistic heart. Further, you might notice improvements in your physical health. When you reduce your stress and increase your appreciation for life, you move more, you sleep better, and you strengthen your immune system.
You might even notice that your thinking becomes clearer and that you’re able to be more productive without the tendency to put tasks off and worry incessantly about outcomes.
Overall, an attitude of gratitude can enhance your general well-being. You need not wait to lose weight or strike it rich before you can be happy. You can be happy right now. The key lies within your heart and your mind. Give this simple habit of keeping a gratitude journal a try and enjoy life as it gets a whole lot brighter.
Barbara Danza is a contributing editor covering family and lifestyle topics. Her articles focus on homeschooling, family travel, entrepreneurship, and personal development. She contributes children’s book reviews to the weekly booklist and is the editor of “Just For Kids,” the newspaper’s print-only page for children. Her website is
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