An ingenious South African program to protect endangered species is showing impressive progress. Dogs are trained from birth to join a special K9 response unit that protects wildlife from poachers. While the pups may be all from different breeds, they share a common mission; and they so far have saved 45 rhinos from illegal hunters.
Johan van Straaten, from the Southern African Wildlife College in Greater Kruger National Park, South Africa, is the man in charge of training the pups for the K9 unit. Van Straaten says the off-leash dog project became operational in February 2018.

According to van Straaten, the locations where the Southern African Wildlife College K9s operate show a success rate of around 68 percent as opposed to between 3 and 5 percent without canine help. However, this particular project could prove vital in the protection of wildlife in the country.
“The game-changer has been the free tracking dogs who are able to track at speeds much faster than a human can, in terrain where the best human trackers would lose spoor,” he shared.

The K9 special unit begins training the dogs as puppies, and their breeds vary from bloodhounds to beagles. “They begin training from birth and are socialized from a very young age,” he added. “They learn how to track, bay at a person in a tree, and follow basic obedience.”
While some pups may be ready to start work at a younger age, the trainers ensure they undergo a rigorous process. “At six months we put all that training together more formally—they do have the necessary skill set to do the work at a younger age but are not mature enough to handle all the pressures of real operations,” van Straaten said. “Depending on a number of factors, dogs become operational at around 18 months old.”

Despite how few rhinos remain, sadly, it’s humans who are sending these beautiful creatures towards extinction. “Over the past decade, over 8,000 rhinos have been lost to poaching, making it the country hardest hit by this poaching onslaught,” Viljoen added.