‘I’ve Been in Your Shoes, Brother’: Police Officers Talk Man Down From Jumping Off Bridge in NYC

‘I’ve Been in Your Shoes, Brother’: Police Officers Talk Man Down From Jumping Off Bridge in NYC
(Courtesy of NYPD)
Michael Wing

Recently released footage from police body cameras shows the nerve-grinding moment when two New York Police Department (NYPD) officers desperately try to coax a man down as he hangs from a city bridge.

The incident that lasted 40 minutes probably felt much longer, as the situation seemed to teeter between life and death, with officers pleading for the former and fighting back the latter for the man’s sake.

Looking west over the Hudson River on Riverside Drive near West 130 Street, the man is seen on the outside of the fence clinging to the bridge rail.

The voices of NYPD Officers Carl Fayette and Eleodoro Mata, on the bridge, are heard pleading for him to hold onto life.

“I’ve been in your shoes, man, I’ve been in your shoes, man, right?” Officer Fayette is heard. “It’s not worth it.

“There is solutions, there is ways to actually get out of this situation.”

Watch the body camera footage of the NYPD officers talking a man down from jumping off a bridge in New York City. (Courtesy of NYPD)
"I've been in your shoes, man, it's not worth it," Officer Fayette is heard telling the suicidal man. (Courtesy of NYPD)
"I've been in your shoes, man, it's not worth it," Officer Fayette is heard telling the suicidal man. (Courtesy of NYPD)

The officer promised that they had the resources he needed, that the officer would deliver them, and he would fight by his side.

“I care about you, and I care about your life,” Officer Fayette said.

Then, the footage cuts to helmeted officers scaling over the fence carrying clips and safety straps, exercising extreme caution to make a precarious rescue.

“Everybody is here for you,” Officer Mata is heard saying. “You can defeat this with our help! Just come back, brother, come back!”

He says this as the man leans forward headfirst as if contemplating whether to jump.

“Please listen to my voice, I love you, brother, I care for you, brother,” Officer Fayette said. “Lean on my shoulder, brother.”

NYPD officers successfully rescue the man. (Courtesy of NYPD)
NYPD officers successfully rescue the man. (Courtesy of NYPD)

The man’s head gets even lower as the helmeted officers come within arm’s length on either side. And the coaxing from Officer Fayette continues.

“Life is beautiful, brother, the sun is beautiful,” he cried desperately.

“You’re beautiful, brother! Please don’t give up on me, brother!”

Then, all at once, on cue, the helmeted officers stretch their arms out under the man, cradle him, and lift him. He is now safe.

As the scene deescalates and the pressure is lifted, Officer Fayette withdraws beside a police vehicle, falls to one knee, and breaks down in tears.

(Left) Officer Fayette breaks down in tears after the nerve-wracking rescue; (Right) (L-R) Officer Mata and Officer Fayette. (Courtesy of NYPD)
(Left) Officer Fayette breaks down in tears after the nerve-wracking rescue; (Right) (L-R) Officer Mata and Officer Fayette. (Courtesy of NYPD)

His agonized weeping is heard as officers are seen comforting him, resting their hands on his shoulders.

The footage of the harrowing scene was released on the NYPD’s Facebook on Oct. 18 with a caption, explaining the incident and heroic rescue:
Police Officers frequently interact with people having the worst day of their lives. Two weeks ago, Officers Fayette & Mata from the 26 Precinct talked to a distraught man in crisis for nearly 40 minutes until officers from the Emergency Service Unit rescued him.
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