Install Quarry Tile

Quarry tile is a popular flooring material due to its durability.
Install Quarry Tile
You'll find a selection of quarry tiles at home and flooring centers, as well as at tile retailers. Gene Hamilton/TCA

Quarry tile is a popular flooring material for a lot of reasons. It’s used in public bathrooms, commercial kitchens, and many high traffic areas like an entryway, because it’s a long-lasting, durable surface. It’s non-slippery, it’s easy to clean, and it withstands years of abuse. The unglazed ceramic tiles are usually made from natural clay or shale, and they are available in natural earth tones. They come in many sizes, but the most popular are square and 1/2 or 3/4 inch thick.

To install a 10-foot-by-15-foot quarry tile floor, a tiling contractor will charge $1,841, which includes the labor and material. An experienced do-it-yourselfer with tiling tools can do the job for $770, the cost of the materials, and save 58 percent. The savings are well-earned because this is a job that takes considerable time, not to mention a large outlay for the materials. A breakdown of the job includes several phases: preparing the floor, installing a cement backboard as a sound and level base, laying out the placement of tiles, then cutting and installing them over a bed of thin-set mortar with spacers for proper alignment, and finally grouting and sealing.

You’ll find a selection of quarry tiles at home and flooring centers, as well as at tile retailers, where you can usually rent or buy the necessary tools: nippers, a grout float, notched trowel, and chalk line. You’ll need a large sponge, bucket and measuring tape. Tip: Invest in a pair of knee pads to protect your shins since most of the job involves working on your hands and knees. You’ll use them for countless other jobs working inside and outside your house.

To find more DIY project costs and to post comments and questions, visit and on smartphones.

Pro Cost—DIY Cost—Pro time—DIY Time—DIY Savings—Percent Saved

$1,841—770—24.8—32.5—$1,071—58 percent

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Gene and Katie Hamilton
Gene and Katie Hamilton
©2022 Gene and Katie Hamilton. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.