Install a Wall-Mounted Door

A pocket door is the go-to choice when there isn’t room for a traditional door.
Install a Wall-Mounted Door
It’s a good choice in a tight space where there’s not enough swing room for a standard hinged door. Johnson Hardware/TNS

A pocket door has long been a solution to create privacy when a traditional door doesn’t work. In some tight spaces there’s no swinging room for the door because of furniture or the door swings into a passageway. That works nicely when the walls are drywall, and the pocket door can neatly slide into the wall cavity. The challenge is walls around a doorway that may conceal electrical or plumbing lines that can’t be moved. And if the walls around your doorway are made of brick or cement, that presents another problem.

Enter the solution: a wall-mounted door with a track-and-roller system that attaches directly to the wall above the door. The top-hung system has heavy, ball-bearing hangers that distribute weight evenly, and has a built-in fascia that hides the hangers. Like a pocket door, it’s a good choice in a tight space where there’s not enough swing room for a standard hinged door. And since the door slides open, furniture can be placed beside the doorway without interfering with the door’s operation.

You’ll find the door hardware sold at home centers and online at the manufacturer’s website,, where you can read and print installation instructions. Read the manual before buying to get an idea of what’s involved. Basically, the project begins with attaching an aluminum I-beam track with mounting brackets and four-wheeled hangers that fit onto the track above the door. The glides hold the door in place and slide without binding.

A contractor will charge $610, which includes labor and material, to install the hardware and a 3-foot-wide door for a bathroom. If you have carpentry skills and tools, you can buy the hardware and door for $400 and do it yourself, pocketing a 34 percent savings.

To find more DIY project costs and to post comments and questions, visit and on smartphones.

Pro Cost—DIY Cost—Pro time—DIY Time—DIY Savings—Percent Saved

$610—$400—7.0—13.0—$210—34 percent

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Gene and Katie Hamilton
Gene and Katie Hamilton
©2022 Gene and Katie Hamilton. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.
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