A pull-out faucet in a bathroom sink makes it more useful than a two-handle faucet because it’s designed for many uses. Some of today’s bathroom sinks can be used for bathing a small infant, washing a kid’s hair, and even scrubbing dirty sneakers.
If the bathroom sink in your house gets a workout, consider replacing the existing faucet with the convenience of a pull-out sink faucet. The pull-out faucet originally designed for a kitchen sink makes all washing chores much easier and enjoyable in a bathroom. Its flexible pull-out spray spout extends up to 24 inches, making scrubbing away dried soap, shaving cream, and toothpaste build-up much easier.
To remove an old bathroom sink faucet and replace it with a pull-out faucet, a plumber will charge $285, which includes labor and material. Most of these faucets are available in a variety of finishes such as polished chrome or satin nickel. If you have plumbing experience and tools, you can make the swap for $160, the cost of the faucet, and save 44 percent. The faucet is pre-assembled, so it’s designed for easy installation. For tools, you’ll need a screwdriver, an adjustable wrench and channel lock pliers.
To find more DIY project costs and to post comments and questions, visit www.diyornot.com and m.diyornot.com on smartphones.
Pro Cost—DIY Cost—Pro time—DIY Time—DIY Savings—Percent Saved
$285—$160—2.0—3.0—$125—44 percent