The Victorian coastal town of Port Townsend, Washington, hosts the largest wooden boat festival in North America every year. Founded in 1978 by a community of “saltwater hippies,” the festival has now become one of the world’s largest gatherings to commemorate the culture and craft of wooden boats and independent boat builders. With 300 wooden boats and 100 hands-on demos and presentations, the Wooden Boat Festival celebrated its 46th year on Sept. 8–10, 2023, at the historic Port Hudson Marina.

"Placebo," a 1930s cutter with an overall length (LOA) of 30 feet and 3 inches. Jennifer Schneider

"Pax" (Latin for Peace) is a Danish spidsgatter (double ender) originally built in Kalundborg, Denmark, in 1936. Jennifer Schneider

Detail of the custom embellishments on one of the wooden boats. Jennifer Schneider

Jennifer Schneider

Jennifer Schneider

Jennifer Schneider

Boat lettering and sign making demonstration. Jennifer Schneider

Behind-the-scenes glimpse into the art of boat building. Jennifer Schneider

A father and daughter on the children's paddlewheeler ride. Jennifer Schneider

Many wooden boats festively featured colorful bouquets, arranged and sold by members of the Northwest Maritime Center’s team of high school students. Jennifer Schneider

Jennifer Schneider

The "Murrelet" was built in the backyard shop of a Port Townsend resident in 2019. Jennifer Schneider

Lifesaver onboard the 1933 "Vito Dumas." Jennifer Schneider

The Wooden Boat Festival featured boat builders and their crafts—large to small. Jennifer Schneider

Festival boats docked at the historic Port Hudson Marina. Jennifer Schneider