How to Train a Dog: 6 Part Series

The Epoch Times interviewed six of New York City’s top rated dog trainers to find out how to train a dog for happy city living.
How to Train a Dog: 6 Part Series

New Yorkers love their dogs, but life in any major metropolis offers up some serious challenges to dog owners.  In this series The Epoch Times interviewed six of New York City’s top rated dog trainers to find out how to train a dog for happy city living.  

There are as many ways to approach dog training as their are dogs and owners. Whether you’re a dog owner or dog lover, read through these tips and tricks from the professionals to understand your dog, and possible yourself, better then before.

Each of these certified trainers has a unique approach. Some are near celebrities in their field, and others just broke out on their own, but all have great advice and long line of satisfied customers behind them.

Part 1: Annie Grossman, Co-owner of School For the Dogs

 “You don’t need to have your whole life together to have a great dog. Its just not that complicated.” 

Part 2: Anthony Newman, Calm Energy Dog Training

“The city is an unnatural place for a dog and they really need that calm leadership to show them how to deal with it.” 

Part 3: Kate Perry, Kate Perry Dog Training

“When owners are able to identify the character traits of their dog it helps them understand how they are going to train the dog." 

Part 4: Andrea Arden, Andrea Arden Dog Training

“People often think training means stopping behaviors.  We think training means teaching your dog the behaviors and skills they need to handle any environment well." 

Part 5: Ferdie Yau, Sits and Wiggle Dog Training

“Animals don’t waste time practicing behaviors that they get no benefit from so, over time, those behaviors will disappear." 

Part 6: Andy Replogle, NYC Dream Dogs

“Being well trained as a human means being non-reactive and in harmony with your surroundings.”



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