How to Strengthen Your Child’s Work Ethic

A strong work ethic is a positive character trait that parents would be wise to instill in their children.
How to Strengthen Your Child’s Work Ethic
When teachers act as guides, children can wholeheartedly embrace small responsibilities that contribute to the household's running. (Filip Urban/Shutterstock)
Barbara Danza

Younger generations are commonly criticized for being lazy, lacking discipline, and being generally unwilling to do hard work. Whether it’s a fair or unfair assessment, a strong work ethic is a positive character trait that parents would be wise to instill in their children.

Work ethic is something that can be taught and encouraged in different ways at different ages. Here are some ideas to foster your child’s work ethic.

Celebrate Work

Even very young children set themselves to work. They may focus on building a castle out of blocks or coloring a picture beautifully. They may put away their toys or help clear the dinner table. They may help to care for family pets or make their beds.
Notice when your child works hard at anything or contributes to the household in any way, and celebrate their hard work.

Dole Out Responsibility

As your children get a little bit older, they can be handed simple household responsibilities to manage on their own. For example, perhaps they’re in charge of managing the garbage. They may have taken the trash to the curb before, but now they’re in charge of the whole operation. It’s up to them to collect garbage from any receptacles in the house and, if applicable, to make sure that the garbage cans are at the curb on the correct night. They’re sure to make mistakes along the way, but parents can guide them with a teacher’s heart and celebrate the work when it’s done well.

Work Together

Oftentimes, families need to work together to get things done. Perhaps you’re coming off of a particularly busy time, and the home could use a deep clean. Come together, perhaps while enjoying your favorite energizing music, and clean up. Cooperating, being patient with one another, and having fun while getting good work done will reinforce the positive nature of work.

Enjoy Your Work

Too many adults harbor great disdain for their work in the world. What does that attitude signal to their children, who are observing intently?

If you can’t change the work that you do, change your attitude about it. Find something you like about it. Appreciate the benefits it gives you. Share that with your family.

Better yet, love your work. Channel your productive energy toward meaningful and enjoyable work. Revel in the fact that your work is really more like play.

Reward Work

Children can be rewarded for their work when they do it well. Offer compensation for household chores or, if you own a business, offer opportunities to contribute their work ethic to the business in some way. When the connection between work and gain is made, they’ll see the importance of fostering a solid work ethic in their lives.

Encourage a Job

When they’re old enough, encourage your children to seek employment elsewhere. The experience of working outside the home and outside the influence of their immediate family will provide countless lessons. Even if they work just once a week for a local business, they may interact with customers, manage money, develop organizational skills, learn to follow instructions, be punctual, and forthrightly excel and grow in their ability to work.
Barbara Danza is a contributing editor covering family and lifestyle topics. Her articles focus on homeschooling, family travel, entrepreneurship, and personal development. She contributes children’s book reviews to the weekly booklist and is the editor of “Just For Kids,” the newspaper’s print-only page for children. Her website is
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