We read for many reasons, including entertainment, information, and understanding. Whether we’re being instructed, delighted, or both, the world opens to us through the doorway of a great book, poem, or essay. Reading reveals new vistas, new groves of truth, beauty, and goodness to be harvested.
The fruits of deep analytical reading are understanding and wisdom, which aren’t merely about accumulating more facts, but about making sense of them and connecting them with a cohesive and meaningful reflection of reality. Through deep reading, we seek wisdom: a knowledge of causes, not just the “what” or “how” of things, but the “why.” Becoming wise doesn’t just happen. It requires that we read well.
Active Reading
In their classic work “How to Read a Book,” Mortimer Adler and Charles van Doren explain that all readers don’t read equally well. “One reader is better than another in proportion as he is capable of a greater range of activity in reading and exerts more effort. He is better if he demands more of himself and of the text before him.”In other words, reading well requires effort; it is active. To get all that is to be had out of a great book or article or poem, we have to apply ourselves and exert effort.
Just because readers receive information, doesn’t mean they have no part to play in the relationship between writer and reader. Adler and van Doren explain, “The mistake here is to suppose that receiving communication is like receiving a blow or a legacy or a judgment from the court. On the contrary, the reader or listener is much more like the catcher in a game of baseball. Catching the ball is just as much an activity as pitching or hitting it.”
Understand the Writer’s Purpose
This may sound obvious, yet many people neglect this first step of properly identifying the genre and purpose of a piece of writing, which are fundamental to its meaning. It’s easy to misconstrue meaning if the work isn’t placed in its proper context.Identify the Problems the Writer Addresses
After determining the general genre and purpose of the work, we want to know what specific issues or problems the writer is trying to solve. That information usually appears in the introduction to a book-length work or the first few paragraphs of an article or essay. Here, gaining a basic view of the work’s structure is helpful. It acts like a map to help keep track of where we’ve been and where we’re going.Open Yourself up to the Text
This tip applies especially to imaginative works like fiction and poetry, in which the author aims to communicate an experience more than a definite set of facts. But it’s true, too, of nonfiction that we have to approach the text with a degree of open-mindedness, at least at first, if we’re to get much out of it. English teacher Jessica Meek writes, “Reading well means suspending bias long enough to fully comprehend the argument.” This doesn’t mean we can’t criticize or disagree with a book, but even that can only be fruitful if we’ve first truly understood it and done our best to see with the author’s eyes.In Nonfiction, Find the Argument
Generally speaking, every work of nonfiction makes affirmations and denials about the way the world is. As readers, we want to zero in on those points because they form the core of the communication. They are the bones of the work on which everything depends. We should read important or puzzling sentences slowly and carefully.Ask Questions and Enter Into Conversation
As we begin to identify the author’s primary premises and conclusions, or, in fiction, the key characteristics of the world the author is painting, we should interrogate them. Do they ring true? What do they call forth or suggest? Do they square with our experience? Does the evidence make sense? How do they enter into conversation with other things we’ve read? What declarations of the author confuse, inspire, or excite us?Write and Annotate as You Read
Our conversation with the text takes concrete form in writing—even if the writing is no more than a few scribbled words in the margin or the underlining of a crucial sentence. As Adler and van Doren wrote, “You have to see the main sentences as if they were raised from the page in high relief.” We make this happen by underlining or highlighting key passages.Like any skill, the ability to read well isn’t an innate trait. It requires practice, experimentation, and growth. Reading is a conversation and a relationship between the reader, the writer, and the world. Through books, we can access the world’s greatest minds, and they have a lot to teach us. But we have to make the requisite effort to accept the gift that is offered, not letting it sift through our hands like sand. We should do more than merely remember what was written. We must engage with why it was written and how it relates to reality. We must read well.