How to Make: Peach Risotto


One of the reasons why we love Summer is the huge variety of fruits that are in season! One of them, and one of our favorites, is peach.

This dessert risotto can be enjoyed either by yourself or can be shared it with your special one.



1 ripe peach, halved 
1 cup milk
1 cup cream
1/2 cup risotto rice 
1/2 cup moscato wine
1 TBS caster sugar 
1” cinnamon stick
1/2 TBS butter 
1/2 vanilla pods 
1 tsp lemon zest
Juice 1/4 lemon
Dark chocolate
1 handful fresh mint, leaves picked

serves 1 - 2


1. In a small pot, put halved peaches, 2 tsp of caster sugar, cinnamon, lemon zest, lemon juice, 1/4 cup moscatto. Simmer until peaches are soft (about 10 minutes). Remove and put aside.

2. Meanwhile. melt half of the butter, score vanilla pods in and scrape half, add seeds to butter. Cook for a few seconds - a minute, add rice and sugar, turn heat to medium. Stir. add moscatto, stir until moscatto is reduced. Add the milk and cream slowly. Simmer, and stir often. 

3. When rice is soft, add the remaining butter,liquid from peach, stir, and cover for a few mins. 

4. Remove skins and stones from peaches, Chop.

5. Spoon risotto to plate, put chico and peach

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