How to Make: Maple Butter

How to Make: Maple Butter
after a little bit of research, we decided to try and make it at home. It's quite a hard work actually. But we don't regret making it! Courtesy of Food Ease

We’ve always loved maple syrup. It goes well with a lot of stuff... Milk, coffee, beef, pancakes, waffles.. But when it comes to pancakes and waffles, instead of creating this beautiful glossy topping on top, just like on pictures, we end up getting a pool of syrup at the bottom of our pancakes and waffles, turning our breakfast soggy. We came across this thing called “maple butter” or “maple cream” one day. It consists of only one ingredient! Maple syrup.

So after a little bit of research, we decided to try and make it at home. It’s quite a hard work actually. But we don’t regret making it.

Maple Syrup

1. Prepare a big bowl of ice to create an ice bath, and put a clean bowl in it.
2. Boil the maple syrup over medium heat. Let it heat until the temperature reaches 235ºF. 
DO NOT stir or disturb the maple syrup.
3. Pour the heated syrup into the bowl in the ice bath. Let it cool until the temperature drops to 100ºF.
4. Stir the maple syrup CONSISTENTLY until it turns to tan color, and the texture of peanut butter.
5. Enjoy with your toast, muffins, scones, AND pancakes/waffles!