How Much Should You Tip?

How much should you tip when you go out to eat, get a cab, or other things? We’re breaking it down for you!
How Much Should You Tip?
Ingrid Longauerová

How much should you tip when you go out to eat, get a cab, or other things? We’re breaking it down for you!

According to latest studies, waiters and waitresses are earning only $2–$13 dollars by employers. We are paying over twice with tips. But that still isn’t much.

So here is a quick guide for how to properly tip:

When you are sitting at the table, 15–20 percent tip should be fine.

But when it’s a buffet, you can get away with 10 percent. Also if it is carry-out, don’t feel obligated by any tip. Of course, if you have an extremely complicated order or if it required more efforts, 10 percent tip should be fine.

When it comes to delivery, 10 percent to 15 percent works; $2–$5 dollars is just fine for a pizza.

And for drinking, give your bar tender $1 or $2 tip. For large tabs, 15–20 percent is fine.

The same is true for taxi driver; it is common give 15–20 percent in tips.

Ingrid Longauerová is a long time employee at the Epoch Media Group. She started working with The Epoch Times as a freelance journalist in 2007 before coming to New York and work in the Web Production department. She is currently a senior graphic designer for the Elite Magazine, a premier luxury lifestyle magazine for affluent Chinese in America produced by the EMG.
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