How Make the Most of a Rainy Summer Day

How Make the Most of a Rainy Summer Day
(Romrod photo/Shutterstock)
Barbara Danza

Sometimes a rainy day interrupting the glorious summer weather can be a welcome change of pace and a great opportunity to slow down, check in, and enjoy time at home with your family. Here are some ideas to make the most of the next rainy summer day.

Celebrate the Rain

If you wake up to gray skies and the sound of raindrops pattering upon your windowsill, take time to look, listen, and enjoy the sights and sounds with your children. Rather than viewing this as a gloomy turn of events, celebrate how wonderful it is to have the rain cool down the earth, water the plants, and allow for an excuse to stay in and enjoy the comforts of home.

Enjoy a Slow Breakfast

Take your time and prepare something special: pancakes or muffins, cut fruit, omelets, whatever the family would especially enjoy because you’ve got time and you’re not going anywhere. Rather than a rushed bowl of cereal at the counter, allow the kids to set the table and help in preparations. Enjoy your morning meal together and discuss what a gift a rainy day can be.

Cue the Music

(Yuganov Konstantin/Shutterstock)
(Yuganov Konstantin/Shutterstock)

One way to avoid the temptation to turn on television or digital devices is to play some beautiful music. Think calm, happy, background music like your favorite classical or acoustic playlist. 

Invite the Kids to Create

After breakfast is cleared, set the table again, but this time with tools and supplies to create. This is a great time to allow for the glitter you keep on a very high shelf, the clay that gets everywhere, the paint, the glue, all of the heavy duty craft supplies that signal it’s time to get creative and make a glorious mess. Check your recycling bin for interesting items to craft with. Keep the music going and watch what happens when your kids discover the table is ready for their masterpieces.

Reconnect With Your Oven

Perhaps you’ve reduced oven use in the summer so as to keep your home cool or because you’ve been too busy having outdoor summer fun. A rainy day is a great time to bake up some tasty treats or prepare a hearty, home-cooked meal. 

Take Care of Home

As you enjoy a creative day inside, teach your little ones the importance of taking care of this wonderful space you call home. Before moving onto the next activity or project or meal, clean up the former. If you’re catching up on laundry or washing dishes or reorganizing a shelf, talk to your kids about it in a positive way. Discuss your gratitude for your home and how you can all love and care for it together.

Reach for the Blankets and Books

(Alena Ozerova/Shutterstock)
(Alena Ozerova/Shutterstock)

Nothing caps off a rainy day better than an all out reading marathon. Snuggle in with your favorite books. Read individually, together, or both. Revel in how wonderful it is that nature has called for a day in under the covers.

Play Games

Back away from the video games and dust off the boxes of classic board games. Scrabble, Monopoly, Pictionary, or your family’s favorites allow for focused and fun time together. Ignore the clock and your phone and enjoy the present moment.

Make It a Movie Night

Wind down the day with a movie. Straighten up the house, get everybody into pjs, pop the popcorn, and snuggle in for a new movie or one your family adores.  

Thank the Rain

At the end of the day, thank the rain for the change of pace, for the slow pace, for the snacks, for the creativity, for the family time, for the memories. Don’t be surprised if the next time it rains, the children jump for joy.

Barbara Danza is a contributing editor covering family and lifestyle topics. Her articles focus on homeschooling, family travel, entrepreneurship, and personal development. She contributes children’s book reviews to the weekly booklist and is the editor of “Just For Kids,” the newspaper’s print-only page for children. Her website is
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