Houston Chinese: The Music Lingers for Days

In a telephone interview with The Epoch Times a few days later, Zheng, still buoyed by the evening’s beautiful memory, cried out again and again, “It’s so beautiful! So beautiful!”
Houston Chinese: The Music Lingers for Days

HOUSTON—Mrs. Zheng watched the Divine Performing Arts’s show in Houston on December 23. In a telephone interview with The Epoch Times a few days later, Zheng, still buoyed by the evening’s beautiful memory, cried out again and again, “It’s so beautiful! So beautiful!”

A Chinese saying says “good music would linger in the air for three days,” but Zheng said every program of the show has been replaying again and again in her mind for more than three days. “I cannot stop reflecting about every song and every dance since I watched the show,” she said. “Everything was just gorgeous! The costumes, the artists…” She said she was impressed by the flawless collaboration of the dancers. “I think only people with pure hearts can reach that kind of perfect coordination,” she said.

But what Zheng found most touching was the essence of authentic Chinese civilization the show presented. She said the programs showed her about her true cultural origin as a Chinese, which people can hardly find in China nowadays. Zheng said next time she would bring her kids, all born in Hong Kong and raised abroad, to the show so they can see and understand their origin and cultural heritage.

Among all the programs, Zheng particular mentioned the dances about Falun Gong practitioners being persecuted in China. “I could not hold back my tears,” she said. “I felt so sad about the persecution.”

Zheng is not a Falun Gong practitioner, but she said she also experienced persecution in China, so she could understand what the practitioners have been through. She said she has been paying attention to news about the persecution, and has been a supporter of Falun Gong practitioners.

“The Divine Performing Arts show is great in many ways,” Zheng said. “For one thing, it is reviving our true culture which has been demolished by the Communist Party. For another, it is spreading the truths to the world. That’s why the communist regime fears it so much.”

She then smiled, “As I said a long time ago, the peaceful and righteous Falun Gong will see the demise of the Chinese Communist Party.”

Read original article in Chinese.

The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of the Divine Performing Arts International Tour.
For more information, please see divineperformingarts.org


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