At the mere age of 2, Mayzee Evans from Utah is capable of riding horses and is fearless around them.
Her mother, Brynlee Evans, 28, says Mayzee has a special connection with horses and calls her daughter a “horse whisperer.”

The toddler had her first contact with a horse when she was 3 months old and would spend 10 hours a week with them as a baby.

“She hangs out at the barn from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. every day on weekends to brush the horses, wash them, and help out,” Ms. Evans said.

The little girl takes her responsibility at the barn very seriously and has become a pro at handling the equipment. When her mom gets things mixed up, Mayzee isn’t afraid to call her out.
“She knows which boots belong to each horse, and if I put them on wrong, she freaks out,” Ms. Evans said.
Initially, Ms. Evans didn’t think her daughter was extraordinary, however seeing other 2-year-olds mimic the little girl, the family realized how unusual she is.
In a video captured by Ms. Evans, the 2-year-old can be seen cuddling a foal, stroking its eyelashes, and nuzzling full-grown horses.
“Foals are unpredictable because they’re babies. They get very nervous,” Ms. Evans said.

However, unlike kids her age who would scare the foal by approaching them, Mayzee is very tender and loves being around them.