Got ice and snow on top of super cold temperatures this winter? “Everyday Cheapskate” reader Jennifer does, and she wrote, “Do you have a solution for melting ice and snow on walkways, driveways, steps, and windshields?”
I do, and at least one of these homemade recipes is sure to come to Jennifer’s rescue, and quite possibly yours, too.
N0. 1: Basic De-Icer
Into a large container or bucket, pour 2 quarts water, 6 drops Blue Dawn dishwashing liquid, and 2 tablespoons rubbing alcohol (70 percent or 91 percent). Dispense using a spray bottle or other type of garden sprayer. Spray the mixture on icy area or steps, and watch the snow and/or the ice melt, which is going to make your job of making those areas safe so much easier.Why this works: Rubbing alcohol won’t freeze until it reaches at least minus 97 degrees F. Because this recipe contains water, the mixture would freeze at a warmer temperature of perhaps minus 50 degrees F. As for the Blue Dawn, just a few drops help break the surface tension of the ice and snow to get the melting process started.
N0. 2: Liquid Ice Melt
Pour warm water into a bucket. Add rock salt crystals to it. (A good ratio is 1 gallon water to 1 cup rock salt, but this is not an exact science; you want to create salty water.) Stir occasionally until all of the salt crystals are completely dissolved.Pour the saltwater solution into a sprayer. Spray the solution on frozen hard surfaces. The saturated force of the sprayer will penetrate through all the layers of the snow and melt it.
No. 3: Vinegar
Mix equal amounts of vinegar and water to produce an effective de-icer. Pour the mixture on iced surfaces, and the ice will slowly turn to liquid.N0. 4: Grit
A light application of sand, gravel, non-clay-based kitty litter, or birdseed gives walkways more traction.Why this works: In most situations, just adding a scant layer of grit to snowy surfaces provides the traction you need to safely get from here to there, whether you’re walking or driving a vehicle.
N0. 5: Salt
Salt—rock salt or ordinary table salt—is the most basic ice melt found in just about any house. Simply sprinkle the plain salt across the snow-covered area, steps or porch. Salt will then spread through the ice layer, turning it into slush. Interestingly, salt is only effective to keep ice sloshy to 15 degrees F. So, if it’s 14 degrees F and lower, you need to use an alternative method.According to the University of Minnesota Extension, salts are less effective when applied in excess. Lesson to be learned: Use salt sparingly to treat treacherous ice on your driveway, steps, and sidewalk. This will improve its effectiveness while protecting your landscape and hardscape.
No. 6: Baking Soda
Generously sprinkle baking soda on the ice- or snow-covered area, and wait for the ice to start melting. This may take a bit longer to melt than other options, but it will work. Do not use the soda-sprinkled path until the baking soda has done its job.No. 7: Rubbing Alcohol
Mix equal amounts of rubbing alcohol and water in a sprayer. Spray solution on snow and/or ice to melt it. You can use this ice melt for windshields as well, without worry of damaging the vehicle’s paint job.Why this works: The freezing point for rubbing alcohol is way below zero. Compared to ice and snow, it’s very warm.