‘Very lively, beautiful,’ Says High Tech Executive

Mr. Morel has seen many shows at the Kennedy Center Opera House and on Jan. 22 he came to see Shen Yun Performing Arts’ presentation of China’s 5,000-year-old culture.
‘Very lively, beautiful,’ Says High Tech Executive
WASHINGTON-Mr. Morel has seen many shows at the Kennedy Center Opera House and on Jan. 22 he came to see Shen Yun Performing Arts’ presentation of China’s 5,000-year-old culture.

Vice President of an IT company, he enjoyed the performance, taken from ancient and contemporary Chinese stories and staged in classical Chinese dance, music and song.

“The performance was wonderful, I did enjoy it. It was very lively, beautiful,” he said.

A love for Chinese culture was instilled in him at a young age, Mr. Morel said. “I traveled throughout the world, I have really good friends in Taipei, and my parents were missionaries in China. So I have background to it, yes, I really like the Chinese culture.”

He was touched by the dance, ’Nothing Can Block the Divine Path,’ an enactment of the persecution of the spiritual discipline, Falun Gong, outlawed 10 years ago by China’s communist regime. He said, “I think in tonight’s program, the little girl’s mom, her [celestial] being going up to heaven. I think that was really, really neat. It was really special.”

Mr. Morel said he also enjoyed the orchestra playing modern Western and ancient Chinese instruments, and he commented on the digital backdrop.

“Yes, it was a good blend, along with the images in the background,” he said. “That was really nice how they transition into the sky... That was a nice transition. I liked that.”

The backdrop scenes are designed to match the dancers on stage and the music.

Mr. Morel said he found the overall message of the show to be about heaven, a celebration of life, and overcoming even when people don’t understand or threaten what you do. Stand up for what you believe in, and heaven will protect you.

With reporting by NTDTV

Shen Yun Performing Arts New York Company will perform in Washington, D.C. until Jan. 24, and then in Fort Lauderdale, FL on Jan. 26-27.

  For more information, please visit ShenYunPerformingArts.org
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