The $1.29 Healthy Food You’re Not Eating

Eating well doesn’t have to be hard. Healthy foods are actually hiding in plain sight.
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Eating well doesn’t have to be hard. Healthy foods are actually hiding in plain sight. Author of The Nourished Kitchen , Jenny McGruther, shares the grocery store foods you should be buying, but aren’t.

Many people often tend to overlook- Chickpeas. They are rich in folate and all sorts of good nourishment. It is particularly good for women of the reproductive age. They are also rich in minerals like phosphorus, magnesium, and are a good source of protein as well as rich in fiber. 

Chickpeas aren’t just used to make Hummus. They can be roasted with some spices, and tossed into salads.

Chickpeas are  preferred to be bought dry rather than canned as one can taste the flavor better. The other added benefit of having them dry  is that they are easier to digest if you can soak them by yourself and cook them. But, if you have limited time then canned chickpeas are a good option too. Rinsing the liquid of the canned chickpeas is recommended, as the liquid  can lead to some digestive upsets, to minimize that, do make sure to rinse them off. 

One of the common questions that people tend to ask are what can be done with the liquid that is left in the canned chickpeas? You could probably add them to your soups or hummus. 



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