If you like the traditional look and feel of Old World walls, consider using these embossed wall-covering panels that add textural interest to the walls and lasting character to the room. In many historic homes, the rich and distinct look doesn’t cover the entire walls. Instead, the panels were commonly used as a dado covering the lower third of the walls, with a chair rail separating the wall-covering from the upper part of the painted wall. A good choice for this wall treatment is a Lincrusta-type wall-covering, which is a linoleum-like material bonded to a paper backing, sold in individual 24-inch-by-40-inch panels. After the wall-covering is installed using a Lincrusta adhesive, it requires painting to complete the project.
A paperhanger will charge $789, including labor and material, to install embossed wall-covering on the lower third of a 15-foot-long wall. You can do the job for $670, the cost of the material and a wallpaper primer-sealer to prepare the wall. For the installation you’ll need a tape measure, sharp knife, sponge, spirit level, smoothing roller, broad trim knife, bristle brush, straight edge, and cutting board.
The material for this project is expensive, so unless you have experience hanging heavy wall-coverings, hire a pro. The mere 15 percent saving can quickly evaporate if you make a cutting mistake. To complete the project, budget more time and money for paint and molding, if needed.
Pro Cost—DIY Cost—Pro time—DIY Time—DIY Savings—Percent Saved
$789—$670—9.7—12.5— $119—15 percent