Group Dining Made Easy

Online restaurant reservation booking website gDine launches in NYC.
Group Dining Made Easy

A new online system for making dinner reservations called gDine has just launched its NYC branch. It’s not your typical online booking website though; it has added features that it touts will make dining as a group easier.

They sell the idea that getting a group together to dine is hard, as there is a need to coordinate everyone’s calendars, choose a place that all agree upon, and then at the end of the night, calculate who ordered what and how much they owe. That’s where gDine says their innovative features make things easier.

Aside from being able to book a dinner reservation online at participating restaurants (dozens of premier NYC eateries are already participating), they offer members various multi-course dinners with pre-negotiated group rates.

After registering, you can browse their reservation system at any time, with menus they say showcase the best of what each restaurant has to offer. Members also get emails showing specials that vary in cuisine and place, and I think are set at tempting prices.

You are literally shopping online for your dining experience.

The site also offers a complimentary concierge service to help you coordinate and plan your group’s dining experience.

The best feature yet, the site lets a group split the check before visiting the restaurant by allowing everyone in the party to prepay online using separate credit cards.

Deal browsing, scheduling help, discreetly saving money without using coupons, and a large group not having to pull their smartphones out to calculate splitting the tab, are options that should have been available to NYC diners sooner.

Membership is free, and new restaurants are being added to the list daily. Check out their service at They also serve customers in Chicago.

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