Boats may not be as fast as, say, a plane or car or indeed a bus but it is in my opinion one of the most pleasurable, floating away the days with time to take in the scenery around you. Another huge positive with travelling by boat is that you are likely to see places which no car, bus or plane could take you to.
A river for example is not man made therefore man built around the river and not the other way, this lends itself to some wonderful sights whilst travelling on a river. Anyway here are a coupe of my favourite ways and places to travel on water.
Canal boat in the UK
A truly beautiful way of seeing England and Wales is to take a canal boat or barge and meander though the canals that ‘built Britain’ these canal were used heavily in the industrial revolution and are a hugely popular attraction today, hell some people live on these canals. Because of the popularity there are many pubs and restaurants built towards the canal so you will never be more than a lock away from a hearty meal, then you can lay on the roof of your barge and spend a night with the stars!!
The Danube

The Danube flows down to the Black Sea from the Black Forest in Germany and on it’s fascinating journey throughout Central Europe takes in the cities , to name but a few, of Budapest, Belgrade and Ingolstadt. For a good price you can board a boat from Nuremberg for instance and head out on arguably one of the most beautiful journeys by river in Europe, stopping off at these unmissable cities. There are several river cruise deals online so have a good look at get yourself on the Danube as soon as you can!
The Norwegian Fjords
The scenery here is stunning without any exaggeration, fjords come about from glacial erosion and result in beautiful passages of clean and fresh water surrounded by sheer faces and cliffs. There are many activities to do when on land such as hiking and climbing or even fishing but I assure you that when you are on the fjords you will never get bored of the view!
This article was originally published on Read the original here.
*Image of beautiful landscape with Aggstein castle ruin and Danube river at sunset in Wachau, Austria via Shutterstock
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