‘Good Kill’: Planes, Drones, and Automation

Is it morally preferable to launch bombs from a distance rather than up close?
‘Good Kill’: Planes, Drones, and Automation
Maj. Thomas Egan (Ethan Hawke), in "Good Kill." (IFC Films)
Michael Clark

R | 1h 42m | Drama, Thriller, War | 2015

Easily one of the most underrated and least appreciated filmmakers of the 21st century, Andrew Niccol has made eight features, and none of them could be considered financially successful. He broaches subjects that aren’t quite taboo, and he never tells the audience what to think. He’s a provocateur and a rebel. In this day of overguarded, microsensitive industry oversight, that’s saying quite a bit.

“Good Kill,” like most of Mr. Niccol’s films, was way ahead of trending societal and political curves. As with “American Sniper,” released the previous year, it is neither pro- nor anti-war. This presents a complex, divisive conundrum for the audience. It’s also the first live-action U.S. movie broaching war strategies originating with the Obama administration.

For his third collaboration with Mr. Niccol, Ethan Hawke (“Gattica,” “Lord of War”) stars as Maj. Thomas Egan, a pilot and veteran of multiple tours of duty in the Middle East. For reasons never fully (a wise choice) explained, he is now stationed in Las Vegas, where he lives off base with his family.

Maj. Thomas Egan (Ethan Hawke) and his wife Molly (January Jones), in "Good Kill." (IFC Films)
Maj. Thomas Egan (Ethan Hawke) and his wife Molly (January Jones), in "Good Kill." (IFC Films)

Soldiers With Banker’s Hours

For any active-duty soldier, this would be a dream gig. Egan puts in little more than banker’s hours, goes home every night to the warm embrace of his gorgeous wife, Molly (January Jones, turning in a modern-day version of her 1960s “Mad Men” character), and two beautiful but not quite well-adjusted children.

In addition to short hours and sleeping in his own bed, Egan is still doing what he did in Iraq and Afghanistan. That is, he does this while at a desk in front of multiple TV screens, computers, switches, and a high-end joystick. Along with four others, Egan uses satellites to locate high-level enemy combatants. With clinical precision, via drones, he blows them into itsy-bitsy teeny-weeny pieces.

Lt. Col. Jack Johns (Bruce Greenwood, L) and Maj. Thomas Egan (Ethan Hawke), in "Good Kill." (IFC Films)
Lt. Col. Jack Johns (Bruce Greenwood, L) and Maj. Thomas Egan (Ethan Hawke), in "Good Kill." (IFC Films)
Egan’s commanding officer is Lt. Col. Jack Johns (Bruce Greenwood), a grizzled, regular army guy in his 60s who loves the old days, is fond of profanity, and keeps a bottle of Scotch in his desk. He also realizes, far better than Egan, the new direction of modern warfare. In theory, Johns gets it that keeping men such as Egan stateside with their loved ones while still utilizing their innate skills makes sense on a multitude of levels. It costs less, gives them a feeling of normalcy, and takes them out of harm’s way.


Why wouldn’t any soldier envy this kind of assignment? In Egan’s mind, he’s no longer a soldier but rather a glorified button-pusher. He thinks a monkey could do his job, and he might just be right. It’s clear from the start that Egan wants to go back to the Middle East. He presses Johns for a transfer, which is met with multiple stalls and obligatory patronizing. Johns says he will try (he actually won’t), and tells Egan he doubts anything will change.
Airman Vera Suarez (Zoe Kravitz) and Maj. Thomas Egan (Ethan Hawke), in "Good Kill." (IFC Films)
Airman Vera Suarez (Zoe Kravitz) and Maj. Thomas Egan (Ethan Hawke), in "Good Kill." (IFC Films)

Egan’s frustration manifests itself with increased drinking, the shirking of his duties as a husband and father, and an almost deliberate effort to be less productive at work. For two of Egan’s younger male troop members, none of his behavior makes sense, but it’s with the arrival of a new female (Zoe Kravitz as Airman Vera Suarez) that Egan finds a quasi-kindred spirit. This is also when the kill orders stop coming from the military brass. Instead, they come directly from the CIA, represented by a disembodied voice delivered with icy, emotional detachment by the note-perfect Peter Coyote as “Langley.”

The final act of the film is set almost exclusively in the army base trailer housing. Mr. Niccol turns it into a claustrophobic, airless vacuum. Recalling early-era Stanley Kubrick with his clinical stillness and business-like air, Mr. Niccol is making an observation: War from a distance and without the sounds of bombs and screams is still war and can still have adverse effects on the soldiers carrying it out. For vets such as Johns and Egan, and the relatively fresh optimism of the untested Suarez, operating on hunches and politically questionable intelligence is not what they signed up for.

Multiple Quagmires

It was also more than likely that Mr. Niccol wanted to create moral and ethical quagmires for the characters (and by proxy, the audience), and he more than succeeded. You don’t train men and women to adhere to a strict code when taking out the enemy and then change the rules in mid-engagement, and certainly not with such gray, nebulously blurred directives.

The movie clearly explains why police and the military might have situations to use the term “good kill.” For some, it might mean something akin to a moral car wash; it could also be a blessing from those higher up on the food chain designed to assuage any perceived guilt or legal liability. It’s a phrase brought up only under the direst of circumstances and makes the jobs of those whom we ask to protect us all the more needlessly difficult. These brave men and women should never have their motives or actions questioned or challenged. They simply follow orders.

If anyone deserves such scathing scrutiny, it should be those on high. They want no blood on their own hands yet have no problem with it seeping through the pores and souls of those beneath them.

The film is available on home video and to stream on Fandango and Amazon Prime.
‘Good Kill’ Director: Andrew Niccol Starring: Ethan Hawke, Bruce Greenwood, January Jones, Zoe Kravitz, Peter Coyote Running Time: 1 hour, 42 minutes MPAA Rating: R Release Date: May 15, 2015 Rating: 4 1/2 stars out of 5
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Originally from Washington, D.C., Michael Clark has provided film content to over 30 print and online media outlets. He co-founded the Atlanta Film Critics Circle in 2017 and is a weekly contributor to the Shannon Burke Show on FloridaManRadio.com. Since 1995, Mr. Clark has written over 4,000 movie reviews and film-related articles. He favors dark comedy, thrillers, and documentaries.