The two beautiful musical Flo’s, hang out at the Somewhere In Time Blissfields festival. Flo Morrissey and Floella Grace meet, connect and chat about all things folk and Flo. Flo said to the Flo “Flo’s going to see Flo’s show,” then Flo said “Yeah I'll go to your show.” Which one said what to who? I did ask Floella Grace afterwards but I was left with a vague answer of a shoulder shrug.

Although Flo Morrissey and Floella Grace have distinctly different voices, both artists have a sound, that makes you sit back and be mesmerised. I photographed Flo Morrissey playing on the main ‘Singularity’ stage, captured by the sound of her wistful voice, I decided to stick around and settled in amongst the crowd. Listening further, I drifted into a hazy daydream on the sun blessed grass, resting my head on my makeshift ruck sack pillow. Definitely a highlight moment of the festival.
Flo Morrissey has recently released her debut album called Tomorrow Will Be Beautiful.

The other Flo, the bohemian Floella Grace opened at The Larch acoustic stage, singing and speaking to the audience with disarming awkward candour. Floella’s frivolous and sublime words invite the audience right inside her unorthodox mind, seemingly without restriction. We hear ethereal sounds sift through the air to the ear.
Floella has a penchant for holding onto thoughts that I believe most ordinary people would drop without further consideration. I find this attention to life’s details, can only be a good thing for all staying to listen.

I was able to catch a pin dropping intimate performance of Floella Grace at a Sofar session in Winchester last year. Basically a show for around twenty people inside someone’s house. Here is a video of Floella Grace singing “Devotion” at Sofar Winchester - Songs From A Room. She has a single/video out called ODSM.
Just to give a taste of Flo Morrissey live, here she is singing “Show Me” On The Road at SXSW video with the KXT 91.7 crew at the Plaza Saltillo Metro Rail station in Austin