The Benefits of Outdoor Play
The Child Mind Institute agrees with Louv that outdoor time is essential to healthy development, citing research that shows spending time outdoors is not just beneficial—it’s a necessity. “Most of the studies agree that kids who play outside are smarter, happier, more attentive, and less anxious than kids who spend more time indoors.”The soft stirring of pine trees, the gurgling of a clear stream, the kiss of waving grass, and the wild, lonesome call of a hawk—these soothe and focus the mind in a way that little else can.
Time spent in nature fosters confidence, creativity, and imagination in children. Outdoor play tends to be less structured than indoor play, affording children an opportunity to create, problem-solve, and take initiative. Their senses are sharpened by seeing, hearing, smelling, touching, and even tasting. Indoor activities stimulate the senses less.
Louv wrote, “As the young spend less and less of their lives in natural surroundings, their senses narrow, and this reduces the richness of human experience.”
How to Mastermind a Scavenger Hunt
There are many ways to set up an outdoor scavenger hunt, including using our ready-made list. Your hunt could focus on specific organisms, such as insects, birds, or flowers. Or, you could search for different flora and fauna. With some hunts, the little searchers can collect the items and bring them back, but for other types of searches, a simple checklist is better. We don’t want them trying to capture and bring back all the birds on their list!If children aren’t collecting specimens, they could take pictures of each item or animal instead. However, if the goal of the activity is to reduce screen time, consider leaving the phone or camera at home.
Hunts can also be organized by color. Direct your child to find items from nature that match all the colors on their palette.
Another idea is to search by adjective, instructing children to find one item that’s “rough,” one that’s “soft,” one that’s “shiny,” one that’s “wet,” and so on.
If you have a group of more competitive children, you could turn the scavenger hunt into a race. For certain children, this might be the right way to motivate them to get outside. For others, though, it could prove discouraging and distracting, so you have to know your audience.
- An acorn
- Evergreen needles
- A pinecone
- A tree stump
- A feather
- A bird
- A bug
- An earthworm
- A furry animal
- A nest
- A bud or a flower
- A leaf
- Something soft
- Something round
- Something red
- Something blue
- Something wet
- Something squishy
- Something hard
- Something beautiful