Are you familiar with escape rooms? The only way you can escape is to solve a complicated problem. But what happens if you fail to escape the room on time? Having lost, you are then “imprisoned” in the room. OK, not literally. However, you will not be able to leave the room until a staff member enters the room and shows you the clues you missed, walks you through the solution, and escorts you safely outside.
What if the moderator never arrived and you were stuck waiting for your kids to figure the puzzle out? During your wait, all you have is what you brought into the room.
As a result of generational poverty, it is as if you are locked in a room full of puzzles. In addition, you only have a limited time to escape before you are permanently imprisoned.
As another way of putting it, generational poverty is the opposite of generational wealth. Instead of learning about finance and gaining a leg up in life, kids grow up living hand to mouth. In the United States, millions of people are affected by it.
What Is Poverty?
First, we must understand poverty overall in order to understand generational poverty.Poverty is a state of economic hardship. More specifically, it is a situation where people lack certain commodities that they need for their lives, such as money and material goods. As a result, poverty encompasses social, economic, and political aspects.
Poverty is derived from the French word “poverté.” If you’re case, this translates to poor.
Poverty is a complex concept. The reason? This is due to the many factors that influence it, such as geography, inequality, lack of education, or economic conditions.
- The poverty threshold for an individual is approximately $13000 per year, and for a family of four, it is roughly $26000 per year.
- The poverty rate in America is 11.4 percent, which corresponds to some 37 million people living in poverty.
- Poverty affects over 11 million children.
- The number of Americans living in deep poverty is 3 million.
- Nearly 93 million Americans live in poverty.
- In terms of poverty, there is a racial disparity. Approximately 20 percent of black families live in poverty, 17 percent of Hispanic families, and 10 percent of white and Asian families. families. Native Americans have the highest rate of poverty, at 25 percent.
1. Absolute Poverty
Poverty, which includes the lack of basic foods, clean water, health, shelter, education, and information, is also referred to as extreme poverty or abject poverty. In absolute poverty, there is a high death rate among children from preventable diseases like malaria, cholera, and water-borne diseases. In developed countries, absolute poverty is rare.Absolute poverty was introduced in 1990 to measure absolute poverty by the standards of the poorest countries in the world. The World Bank reset it to $1.90 a day in October 2015. Due to the controversy surrounding this number, each nation has its own measure of absolute poverty.
2. Relative Poverty
In social terms, it is the standard of living compared to those living in the surrounding area. In other words, it measures income inequality. An example of being poor is not having the money for vacations, buying presents for the kids at Christmas, or sending them to college.In general, relative poverty is measured as the portion of the population with incomes below a certain median income level. Furthermore, developed nations with wealth use it to assess poverty rates.
3. Situational Poverty
This type of poverty occurs as a result of adverse events such as environmental disasters, job losses, and serious health problems.4. Generational Poverty
Individuals and families inherit it from one generation to the next. Since the people are trapped in the cause, there is no escape since they cannot access the tools needed to escape.5. Rural Poverty
Typically, it occurs in rural areas with populations below 50,000. Compared to other parts of the country, these areas have fewer job opportunities, fewer services, and less support for people with disabilities. In the surrounding areas, most people depend on farming and menial labor.6. Urban Poverty
Usually, it occurs in metropolitan areas with a population of over 50,000. Among the major challenges facing the urban poor are:- There is limited access to health care and education.
- A lack of adequate housing and services.
- Due to overcrowding, the environment is violent and unhealthy.
- There are few or no mechanisms for social protection.
Generational Poverty: a Closer Look
The phrase ‘extreme poverty’ is usually associated with generational poverty: poor parents, poor children, and poor grandchildren. Like genetics, poverty seems to be passed down from generation to generation in this situation. As a result, these families tend to be trapped in poverty until an external influence can help them escape poverty.Key Factors Associated With Generational Poverty
1. Hopelessness
Generally, poverty is defined as being unable to meet basic living needs, explains Urban Ventures. As a result of generational poverty, families are also challenged by three other types of poverty:- Educational Poverty
- Parental Poverty
- Spiritual Poverty
2. Surviving vs. Planning
Generational poverty traps people in the cycle of survival. Their attention is focused on today’s issue/challenge. A person may need money for food, a place to live, help with family issues, or unresolved health problems.3. Values and Patterns
In contrast to those who have grown up middle class, those caught in generational poverty have very different values. There will be a greater focus on survival and short-term outcomes in generational poverty.What Causes Generational Poverty?
It is often assumed that poor people are responsible for their own circumstances. Their limited budget is spent on junk food, cigarettes, and alcohol. Perhaps they could dig themselves out of poverty and provide a better future for their children if they saved that money. Or maybe they just need to work harder. Then again, saving anything you can is a good idea, but it won’t help them pay for college or buy a house if they save twenty dollars every week.It is more difficult to accept reality, however, because it involves acknowledging the systemic policies that perpetuate generational poverty. It’s true that some of those systems have given some of us an edge, but they’ve also limited some options for others.
A society that prizes rugged individualism can make it hard to acknowledge all the support that helped us succeed. Examples include tax breaks, parental support, or even not having to overcome unconscious biases regarding race and gender.
In short, generational poverty is caused by a number of factors. It is a multifaceted issue that is influenced by everything from racism to financial policies.
1. Inadequate Education
Education determines a household’s wealth and well-being. Therefore, a lack of appropriate knowledge and skills is the primary reason why so many families cannot escape poverty.Furthermore, chronic absenteeism, defined as missing more than 10 percent of the school year, is higher in low-income areas.
“Children this young are not playing hooky or uninterested in learning—five minutes alone with any 1st grader yields more questions than you can answer without jumping on Wikipedia,” he adds. “The reasons these children stay home can all be traced to poverty.”
2. Resources Are Not Available
Generational poverty is often characterized by psychological issues related to finances. For parents to make ends meet, they often work multiple jobs.As a result of perceptions of scarce resources, this behavior is associated with “the scarcity mindset,” which traps people in a cycle of fear and insecurity. Since they are focused on surviving for the next few days or weeks, people trapped in poverty are unable to think about the future.
A mindset like this doesn’t allow adults or kids to think about college, careers, or higher achievements. Whatever dreams they do have, they often feel unreachable, and their lot in life is just to survive.
Additionally, this mindset and environment lead to a shortage of resources. Those who live in underserved areas may encounter difficulties when it comes to generating income.
3. There Is a Lack of Determination
As opposed to the previous two factors, this last one refers to an internal characteristic that determines why poverty persists through generations. The majority of people afflicted by generational poverty lack determination and have a rather pessimistic and passive outlook on poverty.They also reported a ‘negative self-stereotyping effect, whereby people living in poverty absorbed media stereotypes of those on benefits or unemployed as lacking warmth and competence. “Believing themselves to be fundamentally flawed, any achievement is tempered by a lack of confidence and subconscious self-loathing.”
How to Break the Poverty Cycle
1. Cultivate an Abundance Mindset
Changing a scarcity mindset is perhaps the biggest hurdle to overcoming generational poverty. You experience drained brain activity in your prefrontal cortex (the area of the brain associated with decision-making), like a computer attempting to handle too many tasks simultaneously. Decision-making takes longer, and stress and low confidence are more common. Planning for the long term becomes too demanding as well.- The solution? Cultivating an abundance mindset
- Acceptance
- Self-compassion
- It’s all about finding that one thing
- Start small
- Mindfulness
- Journaling
2. Make Education a Priority
In order to overcome poverty, you need an education. Do your best to succeed in school, but do not feel responsible for doing it alone. If you have a teacher, a tutor, a guidance counselor, an administrator, a mentor, friends, or family members who are interested in helping you achieve your educational goals, you should accept their assistance.- Make a commitment to completing your high school education
- There is a significant difference in average lifetime earnings between people with high school diplomas and those without.
- It may be a good idea to set another goal, such as earning a college scholarship, depending on your situation. Or, you might set a goal to enter a trade school or apprenticeship program.
- Identify your post-educational goals and set them in action
Again, education is vital here, as it both encourages you to think about the future and allows you to explore it.
Think about how you want your life to be in 5, 10, or 20 years. Next, list both the obstacles and what you will need to do to succeed.
3. Increase Your Financial Literacy
“When there is a financial crisis, you should always stop the bleeding of money,” writes Deanna Ritchie in a previous Due article. Buying a cup of coffee every morning or not packing a lunch. When left unchecked, these little everyday expenses can add up.“Of course, there are also much bigger problems than enjoying a daily latte,” says Deanna. “And that’s because you may not have basic money management skills.” For instance, you may not know where your money goes or curb unnecessary expenditures.
- A number of financial blogs, such as Due, offer expert advice on everything from debt management to retirement planning.
- Besides blogs, you can also connect with others in similar situations by joining financial forums.
- Visit your local library and read books like You’re So Money: Live Rich, Even When You’re Not by Farnoosh Torabi or The Index Card: Why Personal Finance Doesn’t Have to Be Complicated by Helaine Olen and Harold Pollack.”
- Podcasts such as Bad With Money With Gaby Dunnand DIY Money provide useful personal finance information.
- Subscribe to Debt Free Millennials on YouTube if you’re a visual learner.
- When you have the time, you can also enroll in a financial course. FYI, Khan Academy offers 100 percent free personal finance classes.
- In addition, you can try a number of free online budgeting tools. You can use these tools to track your spending, automate savings, and reach your financial goals. You can even have some devices make intelligent suggestions, find better utility rates, and cancel unnecessary expenses.
4. Leverage Community Resources
Shifting your mindset and educating yourself are both excellent starting points. Let’s be honest, though. You can only go so far with these. At some point, it’s all about the opportunity.In order to achieve mindset change, you need tools and support. Fortunately, your local community has resources to help you in this situation.
Are you looking for financial advice or more active assistance? Would you like to learn how to start investing or understand your taxes? Need assistance in another area of finance?
Rather than struggling alone, take advantage of the resources available to you. Even though reading books or articles can be great, it can sometimes be helpful to interact with people in person.
- Nonprofit organizations, such as United Way or Home of Hope.
- The IRS Tax Assistance Center provides tax assistance specifically.
- Public libraries or schools.
- Community centers and churches.
5. Invest Without Fear
It’s no secret that many people are afraid to invest. However, some populations are more affected than others.Unfortunately, much of what is offered in financial literacy training is focused on budgeting and debt relief. Obviously, having a good grasp of these topics is essential for financial success. To build wealth, however, and to pass it from generation to generation, investing is a crucial component.
To start, make every effort to live within your means. You can then use the money you’re saving to pat down debt or build an emergency fund. After that? Invest it.
- High-yield savings account. In addition to being federally insured, these savings accounts pay higher interest rates than the average savings account.
- Short-term bonds. In a short-term bond fund, investments are made in securities that are due within one to three years. A commercial paper, a certificate of deposit, or a government security can be included in this category.
- TIPs. This a type of U.S. Treasury bond that protects against inflation.
- Dividend-paying stocks. With dividend stocks, you can generate another income source and gradually build your wealth.
- Preferred stocks. A preferred stock protects shareholders and gives dividends priority.
- Annuities. Once you’ve maxed out your other retirement accounts, buying an annuity offers a guaranteed lifetime income. With a rider, you can pass any remaining assets to your beneficiaries.
- Online real estate. Real estate can be purchased on these platforms for commercial or residential use.
6. Stimulate Your Mind and Body
You might feel like wasting your time on hobbies when you’re struggling just to get by. Children, teens, and young adults benefit most from activities that stimulate their minds and improve their moods—especially those that make them think and improve their moods.Crossword puzzles or free or low-cost activities like cooking, photography, or foreign language classes offered after school or at local community centers might be a good idea.
- Utilize any before- or after-school food programs and school lunches available to you as a student. Getting advice on healthy food options from cafeteria staff, school nurses, or nutritionists is never a bad idea.
- Your food budget should be spent on fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins first, then fewer healthy options if necessary. When possible, take advantage of food assistance programs and farmer’s markets to save money.
- You don’t need to spend a fortune on exercise. For instance, a 30-minute brisk walk five times a week can have a significant health impact.
7. Steer Clear of Predatory Payday Lenders
From the name alone, a payday loan sounds like a one-day loan, doesn’t it? Getting sucked into the cycle of payday loans, however, can lead to years of paying off those loans.- Paycheck advance
- Borrow from family or friends.
- Credit counseling
- Debt management plans
- Debt settlement
- Local charities and churches
- Community banks and credit unions
- Peer-to-Peer Lending
8. Find a Mentor
Take steps to overcome generational poverty by seeking help from a mentor. After all, fixing your finances doesn’t have to be a one-man show. Having a mentor can be extremely beneficial in finding a job that pays better and setting you on a path that is more lucrative.In terms of your career and finances, it is not easy to take the next step. It is even harder to see yourself as a successful person. But mentors can assist you in moving forward. You can transform your own life with the help of a mentor who can provide you with educational and informational resources.
9. Keep Your Credit Score in Mind
“Credit scores and history play a critical role in an individual’s ability to achieve economic security and build wealth in the United States, but that opportunity is not easily attainable for communities of color,” states a report by CFSI.In the long run, having bad credit can cost you a lot of money, no matter who you are.
Why? Poor credit can increase interest rates, car insurance costs, and make it difficult for you to borrow money.
- Pay all of your bills on time. This includes rent, utilities, and credit cards.
- If you have a credit card, try to pay more than the minimum payment.
- Don’t use more than 30 percent of your credit. For example, if you have a card with a $1,000 credit limit, you should never carry a balance over $300.
- Don’t open more than one credit account at a time.
- Avoid applying for a new credit card if you don’t think you’ll be approved.
- Use your credit cards at least once a year to avoid your accounts being closed for inactivity.
10. Don’t Give Up Hope
When you grow up in generational poverty, you develop a fatalistic attitude. In other words, this is a mindset of “that’s just how it is” and “it will never change.”- Many people blame poverty solely on themselves. However, others blame others, such as the wealthy or the government. Some people do both. But, it won’t help you overcome poverty if you decide who to blame.
- Accept the fact that poverty is the result of a wide range of social, economic, environmental, political, and individual factors rather than assigning blame. When we understand why poverty exists, we can recognize potential ways out.

1. Why Does Poverty Still Exist?
For those born into poverty, breaking free from the cycle is nearly impossible. Poverty still exists for a number of reasons. Economics, cost of living, education, wages, health insurance, housing, transportation, and mental health all have an impact.2. What Is Generational Poverty?
Worldwide, millions of families live in poverty due to generational poverty. In general, poverty affects multiple generations when it becomes a family pattern for at least two generations.3. How Is Poverty Defined?
In many cases, poverty is used as a relative term. A low-income family in America may be considered a middle-class family by the standard of living in another country, depending on that country’s economic environment and minimum wage.Poverty Isn’t Just About Economics
Income alone does not determine global poverty or generational poverty. There are three dimensions to poverty, according to the Oxford Department of International Development:- Health.
- Education.
- Living standards.
It is especially difficult to escape generational poverty due to its multidimensional nature. After all, there are still many obstacles standing in the way of someone even if they can overcome one dimension.
4. What Causes Generational Poverty?
Poverty does not occur overnight. Many factors contribute to its development over time.- Resources or education are lacking
- Geography
Compared to high-income countries, living in a low-income country presents its own set of obstacles. Social safety nets may not be provided to families in low-income countries, for example. The challenges of growing up in a high-income country are also significant.
- Being unable to earn a living wage
- Minimal or no capital
A vulnerability to natural disasters.
Environmental catastrophes like earthquakes, hurricanes, tornados, and flooding can strike anywhere in the world. The devastation of natural disasters is intensified in some regions due to poor government, bad infrastructure, high population density, and unequal living conditions. And the poor often pay the highest price.
5. Are Americans Who Experience Poverty Now Better Off Than a Generation Ago?
“Material deprivation is not as widespread in the United States as it was 30 or 40 years ago,” write Nancy K. Cauthen and Sarah Fass for the NCCP. “For example, few Americans experience severe or chronic hunger due in large part to public food and nutrition programs, such as food stamps, school breakfast, and lunch programs, and WIC (the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children).”Over time, Social Security contributed significantly to the reduction of poverty and economic insecurity among the elderly. With increased wealth and technological advances, ordinary families can afford larger homes, televisions, computers, cell phones, stereo equipment, air conditioning, and multiple cars.
There is some debate as to whether or not a family with air conditioning or a DVD player is poor. The majority of Americans, however, consider cars, computers, TVs, and other technologies to be normal rather than luxury items. You need a car to commute to work and a computer for your children to keep up with their education.
Remember Hurricane Katrina’s devastating effects as well. “Prior to the hurricane, New Orleans had one of the highest child poverty rates in the country—38 percent (and this figure would be much higher if it included families with incomes up to twice the official poverty level),” the authors add. “One in five households in New Orleans lacked a car, and eight percent had no phone service.” In addition to the widespread social and economic isolation, displaced families and children suffered devastating effects from the hurricane as well.
Often, families ignore the other types of resources they need to provide their children with a decent life, such as safe homes, good schools, good jobs, basic services, and life skills.