From Cracked Pipes to Damp Decks: 6 Things a Home Inspector Might Miss

From Cracked Pipes to Damp Decks: 6 Things a Home Inspector Might Miss
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Tribune News Service
By Hunter Boyce From Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Even seemingly small damages can lead to big problems.

A majority of home buyers take the time to hire an inspector before purchasing their next home, as most Realtors and other professionals would suggest. But an inspector may not necessarily spot every major fault with your next property.

Here are the six top damages that an inspector may not find in your next home, according to

Dangerous DIY projects

Home sellers will naturally want to spruce up their houses before putting them on the market. But do-it-yourself home improvements that are not done correctly or that use cheap materials can sometimes require expensive renovations.

Consider checking for construction permits with the local municipality to avoid any confusion about the home’s previous repairs, Tom Kraeutler, a former home inspector, told

Cracked pipes

Having your inspector utilize a camera to check the inside of your sewage and drainage pipes usually costs extra, but Kraeutler said it is a worthwhile expense. Without that in-depth look into your pipes, you could be spending thousands on repairs down the line.

Damaged appliances

Inspectors don’t always go over every nook and cranny of a home’s appliances. An oversight concerning the water dispenser on your fridge, for instance, could lead to a flooded kitchen due to a busted seal or a faulty ice machine.

Make sure your inspector checks each appliance for functionality to avoid any big problems later on.

Corroded air conditioning

If your prospective home’s inspection was performed in cold weather, it’s likely that a test was never run on the house’s air conditioner.

According to, inspectors will often not perform tests on air conditioning units if the temperature is below 55 degrees Fahrenheit in order to avoid damaging the unit. So if you know temperatures are going to be chilly, ask your inspector how they plan to check the air conditioner for any possible damages.

Damp decks and porches

Water damage on decks, balconies and porches can lead to spending big bucks down the road, Bill Leys of Waterproofing Consultants told The costs from the damages can even reach $100,000.

“A deck or balcony can also have serious safety issues and be at risk of collapse,” he added.

Ask your inspector to investigate any cracks, rust or soft areas around drains in these areas to ensure you are not buying a money pit.

Leaky faucets

To properly check a home’s plumbing, your inspector will have to be thorough. From the toilets to the showers, every drainage pipe will have to be checked while there is flowing water.

A faulty shower pan in particular can be a pricey replacement, Kraeutler told

Ask your inspector what they did to check your drainage pipes and faucets to ensure that they were as thorough as your prospective home demands.

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