Frazzled Mom Calls Boyfriend Over at 3 a.m., Realizes He’s ’the one' for Her Kids

Frazzled Mom Calls Boyfriend Over at 3 a.m., Realizes He’s ’the one' for Her Kids
(Illustration - Shutterstock)

After going through a “rough divorce,” a woman in Southern California made up her mind not to accept any more men who entered her life. But her view changed after she met one who made her realize he was “the one” for her and her children.

Kristina Kuzmic, also known as The Truth Bomb Mom, was a divorcee with two young children when she met a man named Philip, who changed her view on love.

In a Love What Matters post, Kristina wrote how Philip was different from other men she met.

“He was selfless, and patient, and never once did he pity me,” she explained. “No matter how weak or pathetic or defeated I felt at that stage in my life, he saw my strength and my light, and I wanted so badly to see myself in the same way that he saw me.”

Initially, Kristina tried to push Philip away by showing him all her flaws, but instead of running away, Philip “embraced it all.”

A few weeks after Kristina introduced Philip to her two children, she fell sick and so did her younger child.

“I was sick, and my 3 year-old woke up in the middle of the night throwing up all over the carpet, which, of course, woke my 5 year-old up, who screamed and cried in exhaustion. We were a mess, all three of us,” Kristina recounted.

While cleaning up the mess, Kristina wondered, “Why would any man sign up for this?”

At that moment, Kristina decided to call Philip and demanded he come over.

“Come over. Come over right now. You say you want me, you say you want my life with everything that comes along with it, then come over,” she told him.

And he did.

“He was at my apartment within 20 minutes,” Kristina recalled.

She thought Philip would be disgusted with what was happening before his eyes but instead, he “grabbed the rag out of my hand, sent me to bed, and cleaned up my daughter’s vomit,” Kristina wrote.

Then he assured her that he wanted this, “every part of it.”

Fast-forward many years later, Kristina is happily married to Philip, and they’ve since had a child together.

Having met the right man for her, Kristina has a message to share.

“If you are a single parent I need you to know that you don’t have to settle…. Someone will come along and give us that much needed attention.

“Even though I’m divorced, even though I have financial difficulties, even though I have stretch marks and cellulite and chin hairs. Even though I have children, as if our children are some kind of baggage,” she told Little Things.

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