Former Dancer Admires Precision of Shen Yun Dancers

Sheryl Paterson, a former dancer, had high praise for the dancers of Shen Yun Performing Arts.
Former Dancer Admires Precision of Shen Yun Dancers
SASKATOON, Canada—Former dancer Sheryl Paterson was bowled over by the Shen Yun Performing Arts show she attended at TCU Place in Saskatoon on March 22—in particular the calibre of the dancers.

“I am actually a former dancer myself and this has just been a spectacular first half,” she said during the intermission.

“So beautiful, vivid, and colourful. The girls move so fluently, they just look like they’re floating across the stage. The precision in which they dance is just fabulous. We’re absolutely enjoying it.”

Classical Chinese dance, an ancient art form and the centrepiece of the show, involves rigorous training in form, bearing, and technique in order to express both inner and outer beauty through dance.

“I think what impresses me the most is the precision in which [the dancers] move—the unison together, the power, the strength, and the stamina that they have to have to perform those types of moves,” said Ms. Paterson.

Shen Yun’s orchestra, with its unique blend of Chinese and Western instruments, also came in for praise.

“The music is also very beautiful. There’s nothing better to me than to see a live orchestra, to hear them; through some of the numbers it goes right into your soul.”

New York-based Shen Yun, which has grown to three dance ensembles and three orchestras that simultaneously tour the globe each season, is currently touring cities in Western Canada.

Ms. Paterson said she wouldn’t hesitate to recommend the show to her friends.

“It’s very moving. I would just highly recommend it. I’m really looking forward to the second half.”

With reporting by New Tang Dynasty TV and Joan Delaney

Shen Yun Performing Arts New York Company will continue its tour in Canada with upcoming shows in Edmonton, Calgary, and Vancouver. For more information please visit

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