Florida Sheriff: Deputies Will ‘Pay Tribute’ After 2 Texas Officers Killed in Ambush Shooting

Florida Sheriff: Deputies Will ‘Pay Tribute’ After 2 Texas Officers Killed in Ambush Shooting
(Borka Kiss/Shutterstock)
Michael Wing

A Sheriff in Florida made an announcement that his deputies are to “pay tribute” to fallen law enforcement officers across America whenever they die.

After the murders of Texas police officers Ismael Chavez and Edelmiro Garza over the weekend, Sheriff Mike Chitwood of Volusia County, Florida, released a statement on his office’s Facebook page in their honor late Sunday.

“Effective immediately, when a Law Enforcement Officer is killed in the line of duty anywhere in this great country we will wear our mourning crepes over our badges for five consecutive days,” the Sheriff wrote.

“All Sheriff’s Office installations will fly the American flag at half staff during this mourning period,” he added. “The Volusia Sheriff’s Office Facebook page will pay tribute to our fallen brothers or sisters and their families during this period of remembrance.”

(Screenshot/<a href="https://www.google.com/maps/@29.143107,-81.1450582,3a,66.2y,256.1h,91.56t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sfU5g5ktcO_zrQQRdnPNJWQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192">Google Maps</a>)
(Screenshot/Google Maps)

Officers Chavez and Garza of McAllen Police Department, Texas, were both killed in what authorities called an ambush shooting while answering a domestic violence call last Saturday.

“To honor our fellow Law Enforcement Officers who were assassinated this weekend answering a domestic violence call in Texas, we will begin wearing our mourning crepes commencing tomorrow morning at 7am and conclude Friday, July 17th at 7am.”

The Sheriff added, “I would ask that you take a moment this week to remember these fallen officers, along with their families, who have made the ultimate sacrifice to keep their communities and our great Nation safe. Please keep them in your prayers.”

Volusia County deputies will wear the mourning crepes on their badges through Friday in remembrance of officers Chavez and Garza.

On Wednesday, a public viewing was held for the fallen officers, while the funeral took place on Thursday morning with interment immediately following in Mission, Texas, The Monitor reported.

The services were open to the public, according to city spokesperson Xochitl Mora, though the number of attendees were limited due to virus-containment restrictions.

“I think there’s a lot of issues that make this mourning extremely difficult for our community in that so many people do want to express their condolences, and their thoughts and prayers and love and support for the families of our fallen officers,” Mora said. “But obviously we are in a pandemic so that traditional way of being with the family and be close to them is difficult. We do have to maintain that social distancing, even with a venue as large as the McAllen Convention Center.”

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