Senior Financial Director: ‘It was majestic’

Mr. Boulos, senior director of international operations, and his wife were deeply touched by the show.
Senior Financial Director: ‘It was majestic’
Audience members appreciating the performances from the artistic company Divine Performing Arts at Théâtre Maisonneuve in Place des Arts January 18, 2009. Taili Sun/The Epoch Times
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Audience members appreciating the performances from the artistic company Divine Performing Arts at Théâtre Maisonneuve in Place des Arts January 18, 2009. (Taili Sun/The Epoch Times)" title="Audience members appreciating the performances from the artistic company Divine Performing Arts at Théâtre Maisonneuve in Place des Arts January 18, 2009. (Taili Sun/The Epoch Times)" width="300" class="size-medium wp-image-64493"/></a>
Audience members appreciating the performances from the artistic company Divine Performing Arts at Théâtre Maisonneuve in Place des Arts January 18, 2009. (Taili Sun/The Epoch Times)

MONTREALThe artistic company Divine Performing Arts (DPA) packed their bags Sunday, January 18 after the show in Montreal to head to New York City’s Radio City Hall for performances on January 24-25. DPA, which continues its international tour once again for a third year, left a lasting impression in Montreal.

“We have seen many other Chinese shows and shows of other nationalities, but today it was majestic,” said Mr. Boulos after seeing the performance with his wife at Place des Arts.

Mr. Boulos, along with his wife, worked for most of his career in worldwide financial institutions as senior director of international operations.

Mr. Boulos was most touched by Heaven Awaits Us Despite Persecution in which a little girl’s father was tortured to death for practicing Falun Gong.

“It was very touching,” Mrs. Boulos said. “It moved me greatly, the violence was very realistic.

“The barbaric evilness, it’s not right...”
Mr. Boulos added: “Particularly because there was a little girl, it touches me greatly, as a father and grand-father, and all the family members who came to support the mother and child. It touches me greatly.”

In regards to the spiritual aspects of the pieces, Mrs. Boulos remarked: There were many divine beings resembling Buddhas and life was portrayed after this life. These elements are illustrated on the background screen, as the father is ascending into the sky. There is a force greater than ourselves, such as a creator. …it is very, very beautiful, very moving.”

Mr. Boulos summed it up by adding: “It is the bad divine beings who created these inconveniences and after that, we go to heaven, there is another place more comfortable and more,”

“More humane,” concluded Mrs. Boulos, laughing.

The colors, the performances and the synchronicity of the dancers were what most impressed this couple of Egyptian descent. It was free flowing and very well achieved.”

The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of the Divine Performing Arts International Tour.
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