Fashion Expert, ‘The show speaks of ones homeland’

“The costumes are fantastic. They are a joy for the eyes to behold,” Lisa Nidermayr said.
Fashion Expert, ‘The show speaks of ones homeland’
Epoch Times Staff
VIENNA—Ms. Lisa Nidermayr, head of the Vienna Slow Fashion Agency took her young daughter to get a glimpse of a unique performance at the Wiener Stadthalle on May 1.

The New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts group of artists’ mission is to reawaken China’s divinely-bestowed culture, which has been lost under communist rule.

<a><img src="" alt="Lisa Niedermayr and daughter love the Shen Yun Performing Arts. (The Epoch Times)" title="Lisa Niedermayr and daughter love the Shen Yun Performing Arts. (The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1804600"/></a>
Lisa Niedermayr and daughter love the Shen Yun Performing Arts. (The Epoch Times)
“The dancing was of the highest level, which makes it so worthwhile to see these artists perform,” said Ms. Niedermayer.

“Most admirable were the high jumps. One rarely sees something like this performed with such perfection.”

This fashion expert couldn’t point at any specific costume. “I was enamored by all the costumes. The one worn during the winter blooms scene [Plum Blossoms] was beautiful. There wasn’t one costume that I could say was more beautiful than another, they were all gorgeous.”

“The costumes are fantastic. They are a joy for the eyes to behold,” she said.

Shen Yun’s performance fostered this mother and her daughter’s interest in exploring China, and thinking of making a trip to that country.

“I have a Chinese girlfriend who lived outside of China throughout her life, and who is a globetrotter. It is as if her entire family history is part of this performance.”

“The show speaks of ones homeland, that all people who live abroad are looking for and want to find. This production conveyed this through to me.”

Reporting by Rosemarie Fruehauf and Heide B. Malhotra.

For information about the Shen Yun performances, please visit