Album Review: Fanfarlo—‘Reservoir’

Having produced a string of luscious singles Fanfarlo have a lot to live up to.
Album Review: Fanfarlo—‘Reservoir’
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The fact that this record is self-released is either a testament to Fanfarlo’s independent spirit or a terrible indictment of A&R departments throughout the industry.

Having produced a string of luscious singles the band had a lot to live up to, but with Reservoir they have passed the test with flying colours.

From the slow march of the opening bars of “I’m a Pilot” this is a record that beguiles throughout, turning consistently weighty subject matter into immensely beautiful music. “Ghosts” turns lazy horns and lead singer Simon Balthazar’s sleepily sweet delivery into a tale of a drowning village.

[etRating value=“ 5”]

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