‘Extraction': A Solid Actioner With Soul

A black ops mercenary attempts to rescue a young boy to ease his own pain in this Netflix offering.
‘Extraction': A Solid Actioner With Soul
Tyler Rake (Chris Hemsworth), in “Extraction.” (Netflix)
Ian Kane

R | 1h 56m | Action, Thriller | 2020

It’s summer blockbuster season, and I’ve been on the hunt for an engaging action franchise to dive into. While I love Denzel Washington’s portrayal of the black ops hero in the “Equalizer” series, the final installment, “The Equalizer 3” didn’t match the quality of the first two films. Another major action saga, the “John Wick” series, has always felt too silly to me, with its incoherent plot and phony action sequences.

Luckily, I recently discovered the “Extraction” series (produced by Netflix) after hearing that Netflix is currently producing a third film. Intrigued, I watched the first installment of the franchise, the 2020 action film “Extraction.” “Extraction” is based on the 2014 graphic novel, “Ciudad,” which is set in Paraguay.

The film, however, takes place in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, featuring the same protagonist, a black ops mercenary named Tyler Rake. In the film, Rake is tasked with rescuing the son of an Indian gangster, whereas the graphic novel focuses on the rescue of a Brazilian girl.

“Extraction” was the most watched film on Netflix when it debuted, with over 90 million households catching it during its first month. That makes it the most impactful debut since the company started.

Like his shack, Tyler Rake (Chris Hemsworth) has seen better days, in “Extraction.” (Netflix)
Like his shack, Tyler Rake (Chris Hemsworth) has seen better days, in “Extraction.” (Netflix)

A Noble Savage

Tyler Rake (Chris Hemsworth) is an Aussie with a tragic past, which is hinted at by flashbacks of his deceased son. Rake suffered emotional pain, as well as the physical suffering from many of the lingering injuries he accrued during his time as a Special Air Service Regiment (SASR) operator and subsequent career as a black ops mercenary. Now, he sloshes down pain medications with liquor.

On the other side of the globe, an Indian youth named Ovi Mahajan Jr. (Rudhraksh Jaiswal) is hanging out with some friends at a bar. After stepping outside with a pal, Ovi gets kidnapped by a pair of corrupt police officers; the officers are secretly on the payroll of Amir Asif (Priyanshu Painyuli), the biggest drug kingpin in Bangladesh. Asif plans not only to demand a hefty ransom for the kid, but also to humiliate his rival, Ovi Mahajan Sr. (Pankaj Tripathi), the boy’s Indian gangster father.

Rake comes into the picture when Ovi Sr., imprisoned in Mumbai Central Prison in India, hires Rake’s team of mercenaries for a daring rescue mission to save his son. It soon becomes apparent that it’s an almost suicidal mission since Amir has a veritable army of goons, both straight-up thugs and corrupt cops, at his disposal. One of Rake’s team members, Nik Khan (Golshifteh Farahani) suspects that Rake may be accepting increasingly dangerous assignments as a way to end his own life due to his inner turmoil.

Stuck between a rock and a hard place: Saju (Randeep Hooda), in “Extraction.” (Netflix)
Stuck between a rock and a hard place: Saju (Randeep Hooda), in “Extraction.” (Netflix)
Meanwhile, chief among Ovi Sr.’s henchmen is Saju (Randeep Hooda), an ex-Indian Army Special Forces soldier already on thin ice for failing to protect Ovi Jr. from being kidnapped. Saju must retrieve Ovi Jr. or risk having his own son killed by Ovi Sr. However, Saju may have his own plans.

Outstanding Casting and Filmmaking

Speaking of Saju, one of the things that made this film unique is that it not only had an engaging plot, but it also featured appealing characters, including the number one bad guy mercenary. Instead of being a cardboard cutout character as in “John Wick,” Saju’s motivations and difficulties are brought to the fore.

He’s not just trying to track down Ovi Jr. as a dutiful henchman; he’s also trying to save his family. Saju is a multifaceted character beyond that, and Mr. Hooda was cast perfectly for the role, giving depth to his character and making him a somewhat a sympathetic figure, especially when seen speaking with his family.

Rake initially appears impersonal and glib while escorting Ovi Jr. to the designated extraction zone. However, beneath his stern exterior, he’s a good-hearted man whose tough façade begins to crack as the kid reminds him of his own son. The film also highlights the evils of human trafficking and the tragic use of child soldiers in third-world countries.

Tyler Rake (Chris Hemsworth, L) is on a redemptive mission to rescue Ovi Mahajan Jr. (Rudhraksh Jaiswal), in “Extraction.” (Netflix)
Tyler Rake (Chris Hemsworth, L) is on a redemptive mission to rescue Ovi Mahajan Jr. (Rudhraksh Jaiswal), in “Extraction.” (Netflix)

The character of Rake is a role that’s tailor-made for Mr. Hemsworth. Unlike Keanu Reeves, who struggles to convincingly portray an apex bad guy, Mr. Hemsworth’s athleticism and presence make him a natural fit. He strikes the perfect balance—neither too bulky and lumbering like Dwayne Johnson, nor too frail like Mr. Reeves—and he moves with the grace and agility of a panther.

While the storyline may feel familiar, reminiscent of Mr. Washington’s portrayal as an alcoholic ex-Special Forces operative trying to help an innocent kid in “Man on Fire” (2004), this film stands out with its exceptional action sequences.

One highlight is a vehicle chase scene that immerses viewers with a shaky-cam perspective, placing them in the backseat behind Rake and Ovi Jr. as they attempt to evade Amir’s forces. This seamlessly transitions into an intense close quarters combat sequence within a run-down apartment complex, followed by more high-octane moments behind the wheel of various vehicles.

The camera angles, fight choreography, and stunt work are all spectacularly executed in unique ways. It’s been a while since I’ve seen action this impressive, perhaps not since 2011’s “The Raid: Redemption.”

“Extraction” is a sure-fire winner, showcasing a powerful story of redemption, and introducing intriguing characters, some of whom may surprise viewers. Beyond its intense action sequences, the film resonates with themes of humanity, altruism, and self-sacrifice.

“Extraction” is available on Netflix.
‘Extraction’ Director: Sam Hargrave Starring: Chris Hemsworth, Bryon Lerum, Ryder Lerum MPAA Rating: R Running time: 1 hour, 56 minutes Release Date: April 24, 2020 Rated: 3 1/2 stars out of 5
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Ian Kane is an U.S. Army veteran, author, filmmaker, and actor. He is dedicated to the development and production of innovative, thought-provoking, character-driven films and books of the highest quality.