Epoch TV Highlights the Best of Humanity

Epoch TV Highlights the Best of Humanity
Arts and Culture (The Epoch Times)

Epoch TV is proud to present three new programs on art and culture. We use the principles of Truth and Tradition as our guiding light. We highlight the best of humanity, the valuable lessons of history, and traditions that are beneficial for society.

Pure Beauty: A mini-series on award-winning paintings from NTD’s International Figure Painting Competition.

The competition is a groundbreaking effort to pave a path for humankind to return to truly fine art. Its mission, “Pure Truth, Kindness, and Beauty,” has inspired many artists in creating art that is both profound in content as well as perfect in technique.

Pure Beauty: Unmoved
Watch more from the NTD Figure Painting Competition here.
Piano Talks: Piano Talks is an art TV series hosted by celebrated pianist Janara Khassenova, the artistic adviser and jury member of NTD’s International Piano Competition.

Piano Talks presents an intimate experience with classical music while offering insights into the greatest composers, alongside exclusive repertoires from the NTD International Piano Competition.

Piano Talks - Ep.1 ‘Becoming Beethoven’ [Preview]
Watch the full episode here.
Mythical Roads: This series casts a new light on mythical roads. Throughout the journey, routes unfold through the eyes of the men and women who live and work along them, and who continue to sustain the legends.

Mythical Roads will show personal adventures alternating with extraordinary explorations, unforgettable encounters, and surprising developments.

Watch more on Epoch TV here.

Stay tuned for more programs to come!

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