Enterprise President Impressed by the Seamless Harmonization of Backdrops and Performance

Fu Singsan emphasized that these performers’ dancing skills were really remarkable.
Enterprise President Impressed by the Seamless Harmonization of Backdrops and Performance
Mr. Fu Singsan along with his wife attended the Shen Yun show in Tainan, on April 13. Sun Guoying/The Epoch Times
Epoch Times Staff
<a><img src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/09/1104130622021886.jpg" alt="Mr. Fu Singsan along with his wife attended the Shen Yun show in Tainan, on April 13. (Sun Guoying/The Epoch Times)" title="Mr. Fu Singsan along with his wife attended the Shen Yun show in Tainan, on April 13. (Sun Guoying/The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1805615"/></a>
Mr. Fu Singsan along with his wife attended the Shen Yun show in Tainan, on April 13. (Sun Guoying/The Epoch Times)
TAINAN, Taiwan—The highly anticipated Shen Yun Performing Arts International Company finally arrived in Tainan, giving its first performance on April 13 at the Tainan Cultural Center. After attending the show, Mr. Fu Singsan, president of Honjiang Customs Broker Company, said, “The coordination of the backdrops and the performance on stage was seamless, and it would be hard for ordinary dancers to rival the dancing performers’ skills.” Mr. Fu was accompanied by his wife.

He emphasized that these performers’ dancing skills were really remarkable. He said, “Perhaps due to different characteristics of people, the movements of Chinese dances are usually not as big as those of Western dances, but the movements of Shen Yun’s male performers were quite immense. It was very good.”

In addition to being deeply impressed by Shen Yun’s costumes, Mrs. Fu said she was also amazed by the seamless combination of the backdrops and that she especially appreciated this kind of creative approach.

As Western classical music lovers, the couple especially appreciated the wonderful combination of classical Western and Chinese instruments in the Shen Yun International Company Orchestra.

Mr. Fu graduated from the National Taiwan University and has served as a manager in the financial industry for many years. It was his first time seeing Shen Yun, and he had offered tickets to his employees.

Reporting by Sun Guoying.

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has three touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. For more information, visit ShenYunPerformingArts.org