Today, Good looks like your “every mom,” and she has an easy laugh and a vivacious personality. But there is something else about her: When people are around her, they feel free to unburden themselves with secrets they’ve carried for years.
‘Everybody Has a Destiny’

When Good moved from Chicago to Florida, she found out that Florida was one of the top states for human trafficking and that kids were being sold in her own community. It was then that she felt compelled to found Selah Freedom. “Selah” is a Hebrew word, meaning to rest or to reflect.
When girls are first brought in to Selah, some of them stay at an “assessment house” for about four to six weeks. It typically takes seven or eight interventions before a girl will even agree to receive help.
“They are scary-looking, because they’re trying to scare people away,” Good said. “They look hard, they dress hard and make everything hard. Their aspect is hard.”
Once at the assessment house, the girls enter a transition period. It’s during this selah, after years of being abused, not having control over either life or body, that they can stop, pause, and think about their next move. There are discussion groups and staff members to help them, but it all starts with their choice to grow and change and to set their own direction.
After a couple of years, at graduation, you hardly recognize them.
“The softness, it’s amazing. ... These are girls that were left for dead and they wanted to die like there was no hope. ... They’re doing great.”
One girl she recalled came in making zero eye contact, “couldn’t speak to save [her] life,” had no sense of self-value, and harbored “1,000 percent shame.” She is now a brand ambassador for a national company.
Good points to this as a dramatic example from sex trafficking, but she said there are parts of us that we’ve allowed to go dormant—our dreams, talents, and perhaps even our purpose in life.

Through years of listening to girls, to survivors of sex trafficking, and to women around her around the country, Good noticed that they often—like her—had a defining moment when they lost their voice and identity. And that even in cases when a woman hasn’t been sexually abused, there were ways in which she might have been manipulated in subtler ways.She was compelled to write her newly released book “Groomed: Overcoming the Messages That Shaped Our Past and Limit Our Future” to use her personal story to illustrate how different types of grooming can affect people.

Over the years, Good has found that grooming doesn’t occur just in the realm of trafficking or sexual abuse. There are far subtler ways that people are shaped and manipulated.
Perhaps it was remarks from family members about your weight, or controlling people who made you feel invisible. Maybe it was a fear of not having enough money, or feeling that you could—or had to—handle it all. In the process, you may have surrendered your own identity or your voice and lost sight of your purpose in life.
Good is now focused on building her organizations, which are growing. A big focus of the Selah Way Foundation is its prevention initiative.
Reflecting on her darkest moments, Good says her faith sustained her through her suffering.“I almost feel like I was very specially protected, because for some reason, even when I was dead on the outside, and appeared like the hardest, the worst, didn’t care, I had such an intimate inner dialogue,” Good said. “I have journals upon journals just crying out to God, ‘You know who I am, help me.’”
When she got a job at a restaurant in her teenage years, there was an older woman there, a waitress named Gloria, who’d given her a nickname, “Tish.”
“She’s like, ‘You’re just a Tish. I look at you, you’re just beautiful, you’re so sweet.’ I was able to be myself with her. I was the sweet little part of me that had been dead for so many years, you know?
“I feel like that’s what God has done to help me, is put people in my path when I didn’t even believe in myself anymore, to remind me of who I am, that they see me the way that He sees me. ... That’s why I feel like we have to do that for others, because that’s what got me through.”
Good has been using her story on behalf of thousands of abused children and women.
“Being honest about my story—the good and bad parts, the pain and the grace—has opened the door for so many other women to explore their own and write their stories of redemption,” she wrote in “Groomed.”
“What’s your story?” she asked. “When the time is right, I hope you’ll feel empowered to share it.”